Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 201 total)

  • RE: Complex Random Password Generator

    Very complex passwords indead. However some observations

    insert @tbl values(ascii('^'), 3)

    Im not sure i would classify that as being benign. Since that char combined with another can create a single char....

  • RE: SQL 6.5 and Y2K

    Henrico Bekker (8/13/2010)

    Jason, I'm actually aware of a few places who are forced by legacy apps to run 6.5....and by the looks of this:

    Correct answers: 38% (54)

    Incorrect answers:...

  • RE: Basic

    Mushana (8/6/2010)

    More assumptions (and no data to support the answer). Someone writing the same question/answer somewhere else doesnt make it true. If i where to create a website and put...

  • RE: Basic

    A source supporting that answer would be nice. As it stands now its more an assumption.

  • RE: Try it out..

    Good question. However an option with "GIVEN STRING IS NULL, GIV" would have been good. As the question stands its rather easy to guess. An inverted correct answer would have...

  • RE: Table Variable :Doesn't care

    UMG Developer (7/6/2010)

    Nice question, thanks!

    I'm a little surprised that so many people have gotten it correct so far, but that may be because of the copy, paste, F5 syndrome. 😉


  • RE: TDE and Tempdb

    The link leads to a page that says "This might have a performance effect for unencrypted databases on the same instance of SQL Server". No "great" word in that sentance....

  • RE: T-SQL SQL 2008

    Personally i would rather see them not being used. You dont really gain anything by using them. Only makes the code harder to read. Saving a few keypresses vs loosing...

  • RE: Tables

    SanjayAttray (6/16/2010)

    It will get created. Is there a reason, it would not get created ?

    Well with 17% wrong answers i would say that some people think that there could...

  • RE: How many Records Will Get Selected

    3! points for this question. Who the **** decides points on this stuff? Its not even worthy of 1 point.

  • RE: T-SQL

    Okay so now you can use ODBC functions inside SQL. So learnt something new and thus the purpose off the question is fulfilled (now that was a hard word to...

  • RE: Simple LIKE with wildcard

    Out of curiousity. If one would like to get all strings containing a C from the below code... how would you do that in that collation?

    create table #t (string varchar...

  • RE: Simple LIKE with wildcard

    Nice question.

    Taught me once again that Microsoft has some serious dope available. Doing some semiunicode shit into a normal varchar... damn.

    Even more funny. Doing a Len on this...

  • RE: Index Structures

    da-zero (5/20/2010)

    Why is the correct answer 4?

    I count 7 types of indexes:

    clustered, non-clustered, unique, index with included columns, indexed views, full-text and xml.


    Even in the explanation given I count...

  • RE: CTE with Loop within transaction

    If you need any kind off loop against the data then unfortunalty no. A CTE only exists for ONE statement. So cant do 2 selects against it for instance.

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 201 total)