Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 201 total)

  • RE: Wildcards

    To nitpick.

    For '[]' to be valid as an answer SQL should have allowed something like

    mychar LIKE '[]dam'

    But this offcourse doesnt work. '[]' only work in conjunction with...

  • RE: Small database with 1 million users

    Now let me just first say that i dont have a clue what im talking about here.

    But why not modifiy the app to go against a host of servers...

  • RE: GO Part 1

    Worthless question because of the fact that you add something that doesnt really relate to the question. The key part in the question is the "GO 5" part. And by...

  • RE: Inserts




  • RE: Excluding data from a result set

    Im sure im missing something but why not just add something like

    and Vehicle.Sales_Date > DATEADD(MONTH, -1, @DATE)

    instead of the

    AND NOT EXISTS (select * from vehicle where Sales_Date >DATEADD(MONTH,-1,@DATE))


  • RE: Commenting in Dynamic query

    So here i was thinking this was a rewrite of the question we had 2 questions ago, since this question had the varchar(50) on str4 which would have fixed a...

  • RE: Commenting in Dynamic query

    Unless i wrote it off wrong... the answer is wrong.

    create table #tmpTable (Fld1 char(1))

    insert into #tmpTable values ('1')

    declare @str1 varchar(45)

    declare @str2 varchar(45)

    declare @str3 varchar(45)

    declare @str4 varchar(45)

    set @str1 = 'select...

  • RE: Create Database

    Thomas Abraham (6/21/2012)

    David P Fisher (6/21/2012)

    ipounder (6/21/2012)

    Seems to me that both answers can be correct.


    I agree 🙂

    Anybody care to test it? 🙂

    Thanks for the question.

    BTW, love the cat with the...

  • RE: Database size in SQL Server 2012

    Carlo Romagnano (6/20/2012)

    tommyh (6/19/2012)

    If one wants be really picky "Depends on File System" is actually the right answer.

    You can install 2012 on FAT32


    Is FAT32 still alive?

    FAT32 is deprecated...

  • RE: Database size in SQL Server 2012

    If one wants be really picky "Depends on File System" is actually the right answer.

    You can install 2012 on FAT32 and that have a limit to 4GB/file. The 524,272TB...

  • RE: Sequences II

    dawryn (4/24/2012)

    tommyh (4/23/2012)

    Startvalue will be MinValue (since its not given).

    Check reference again. Start value is different whether sequence is ascending or descending.

    You are so right.


  • RE: Sequences II

    Now i cant test this. But is that answer really accurate. Reading the link... it doesnt sound so.

    Since its an int the values defaults become

    MinValue : -2,147,483,648

    MaxValue : 2,147,483,647


  • RE: Find Customers Who Bought "A" and "B" But Not "C" (SQL Spackle)

    Wouldnt something like this work just as well?



    FROM #Purchase

    WHERE ProductCode IN ('A','B', 'C')

    GROUP BY CustomerID

    having sum(case when ProductCode = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) > 0


  • RE: Full Recovery Model



  • RE: Almost a Delimited Split kind of Join?

    Well i was expecting to see some answer on this when i got in this morning... but alas no 🙁

    Not 100% sure about the result you want. But if i...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 201 total)