Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)

  • RE: OpenXML Problem

    jt-75, you are my hero!!!!! I love you!!!!! If I was a girl (and you were, or are, a boy) I'd want to have your babies!!!!!

    My life is complete again....

  • RE: SQL Opportunities with EEI!

    Hi Frank,

    Do you sponsor overseas applications? I'm a UK national working on contracts throughout England and Scotland.



  • RE: QOD 15 Oct 2003

    Frank, Andy and Joe are right, it should be viewed as a learning curve. But I think this is going slightly off the original topic.

    Surely if the question is so...

  • RE: day wise report


    SELECT DATEPART(dw,DateCol), SUM(AmtCol)
    FROM TheTable

    You can use CASE() with DATEPART() in the select clause to show the...

  • RE: sql sqlsever/outlook

    Try the following:

    Dim cmd as ADODB.Command
    Dim rs as ADODB.Recordset

    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    With cmd
    .ActiveConnection = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=Svr1;Database=db1;Trusted_Connection=Yes"
    .CommandType =...
  • RE: QOD 11 Sep 2003


    It seems to become a habit to complain about the question if one had it wrong.

    Be a sport.

    This was one of the...

  • RE: QOD 11 Sep 2003


    I thought it was a good question, and very relevant to common DBA troubleshooting activities.


    - Mark

  • RE: Record User Login


    Does anyone have a slick way to record the user name of a particular user connected to sql server through an Access...

  • RE: How can I create XLS file in DTS




    Does it have to be done through DTS? the follwoing link explains how to...

  • RE: How can I create XLS file in DTS




    You'll be able to do so. Even though Excel isn't installed, the Excel driver...

  • RE: Dynamic Index Creation

    Yeah, it's looking that way isn't it?

    Never mind! Don't you just hate software that doesn't do what you want it to do?

  • RE: Dynamic Index Creation

    Nothing in that scenario. But I've got to return the top x records.

    I can change the final bit to:

    SELECT @STR = 'SELECT TOP ' + Convert(varchar(10), @topn) +...

  • RE: Dynamic Index Creation

    Hi Mark,

    The temp table should take care of the number of records. The incentives we're report against generally only run for a couple of months and the data is summarised...

  • RE: Dynamic Index Creation

    I figured it was maybe something to do with the EXEC statement going out of scope and therefore the temp table not existing when it tries to create the index,...

  • RE: Dynamic Index Creation

    Hi Frank,

    edited version below:


    @STR varchar(255),

    @sortcolumn varchar(50)

    CREATE TABLE #tmpIncentive

    ( f1 int Null,

    f2 int Null,

    f3 int Null


    SELECT @sortcolumn = lower(IsNull(int_sort_column, 'f3')),

    FROM incentive

    WHERE prod_nmbr...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)