Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: The Financial Crisis

    With regards to getting a car for your son, why not take the tack that my old man said to me viz "If you want a car get a job,...

  • RE: The August 2008 Energy Update

    One word that should strike fear in the nuclear power advocates: [font="Verdana"]CHERNOBYL[/font]. Nuclear power is ultra dangerous and should be avoided at all costs, once the genie is out...

  • RE: Exponent Engima

    And after experimenting with the power function I have found that Power(15,15) comes up with the wrong answer - I get 437893890380859392 and the correct answer is 437893890380859375.


  • RE: Exponent Engima

    So two things crop up here,

    1) how do you raise a number to a power in SQL server?


    2) was the misspelling of enigma deliberate ( the author has used "Engima")


  • RE: The July Car Update (2008)

    Dear Steve,

    it is a shame that the first country in the world to get rid of an imperial form of government still sticks rigidly to the imperial system of measurement....

  • RE: Identity Columns

    Crap question - there was more than one answer. Site Owners should be ashamed.

  • RE: Social Software

    I don't like participating too much because I feel everyone in the world is a much better DBA than I am. If I do participate I risk exposing myself...

  • RE: The February Energy Update

    I haven't had time to read all the posts. But from what I read in the editiorial I say that anyone who advocates nuclear power has rocks in their...

  • RE: Digital Storage

    After reading many of Steve Jones' editorials I can see that Steve himself is suffering from the most basic of digital malaise viz relying on his spell checker. In...

  • RE: Bulk Import Formats

    was this meant to be a trick question? It had me thinking for a while.

  • RE: SQL Server Protocols

    When I checked BOL for the answer (yes I know I should have the answer in my head) it describes five protocols and calls them Net-Library protocols. They are...

  • RE: Datediff question

    The explanation is a little lacking. The cause of the overflow error is the use of ms (millisecond)in the command. If another unit of time is used ie...

  • RE: OpenRowset Security

    the question is poorly worded. Books on line states that OPENROWSET permissions are determined by the permissions of the user name that is being passed to the OLE DB...

  • RE: Backup Success

    According to Books on line and I quote verbatim

    "The following table lists and describes the trace flags that are available in SQL Server 2005.

    260, 1204,1211,1222,1224,2528,3205,3625,4616,7806"

    There is no mention of trace...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)