Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 157 total)

  • RE: Temporary tables and procedures

    Yes, a procedure RUNs and COMPILES with a separat scope / copy of the #temp table. But (as written) there seems to be a bug in the parser / syntax...

  • RE: SOS

    As long as 3rd party tools as SQL Prompt or SSMS Boost does not support SOS, it is unlikely, that I would use it regularly, except it implements all the...

  • RE: SQL Session Context

    Our database uses triggers on many databases. Some time ago, when the developers had to run a special INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, which should not trigger the trigger :-), the always disabled the...

  • RE: Parse Data from a Field Containing Multiple Values using CROSS APPLY

    Nice article, but instead of using a slow multiline table value function, you should better use the well tested and fast inline table value function DelimitedSplit8K (except your...

  • RE: Adding the average

    Short question: I admit, that I do not work with R, but why should anyone else really wants to do this "graphical" plotting in R, while there are much more...

  • RE: Calculating the Tally

    How did you get your result?
    I used the following query and get other numbers:
    WITH myBeers (<see CTE in the question> )
    SELECT ISNULL(bt.OwedTo, bb.OwedBy) who, SUM(bt.Beer)...

  • RE: CosmosDB properties

    To be honest, I did not even understand the question and felt like a newbie...

  • RE: The Strange First Value

    I'd prefer to use
    since this performs better (does not spill to...

  • RE: Independence Day

    I guess they needed the 29 days to remove those silly clause, that everybody needs a vacuum cleaner in the basement, which was added by me in my youth while...

  • RE: Replace Bad Characters in Table

    I doubt, that this will be fast. It does not use an explicit cursor, but practically does the same (or something worser) with its while loop.

    If someone really...

  • RE: Who can recycle the error log?

    Wouldn't the minimal privileges be the NTFS permissions to delete the ERRORLOG.? files? Sure - you can't replace / modify the current ERRORLOG file (SQL Server holds its tumbs on...

  • RE: Listening and Taking Action

    I wonder, that the only connect item I found for a column based MIN/MAX (similar to Oracle's LEAST()/GREATEST()) got only 4 quotes since last year (

    Maybe someone...

  • RE: Round Natural Numbers to the nearest Power of 10

    Why do you not use the build in ROUND function?
    It takes three parameters:
    - the value
    - the rounding length (use negative numbers to round to a power...

  • RE: Index_ID of the PK in In-Memory-Tables

    my apology for the confusion - I tested it only on SQL 2014 (since I was to lazy to set up a new 2016 server just for testing and did...

  • RE: Index_ID of the PK in In-Memory-Tables

    On which version did you run your test? On SQL 2014 SP2 Dev. the query will only return one row (and I stumbled over a few scripts which failed, since...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 157 total)