Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 157 total)

  • Reply To: CASTing Binary Values

    oh, I did already - about 20 questions 🙂

  • Reply To: CASTing Binary Values

    I hope, this will be not the next Question of the Day, but sometimes you have the value not in a binary column but in a VARCHAR (e.g. because you...

  • Reply To: The Triple Update

    I used this behavior

    • while setting a column to the MIN/MAX() result of a subquery, where I needed this value for further use in a variable too
    • setting a column...

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by  Thomas Franz.
  • Reply To: Incremental Package Deployment – A SSIS 2016 Feature

    We can't use it either. We have an generic file loader, that searchs in the directories for new files and calls the fitting package to load the file. The (sub)package...

  • Reply To: Switching Database context in transaction

    Counterquestion: why should it be forbitten? It does not write anything to the log, changes no data ...

    I don't know how it is realized internal, but theoretical an USE [db]...

  • Reply To: CHOOSing a value

    For the sake of completeness, CHOOSE() ignores errors too, until you access this value:

    -- works well
    DECLARE @i INT = 4;
    SELECT CHOOSE(@i, 10,20,30,3.14,50,'Test', 1/0)
    -- returns division by zero...
  • Reply To: Data Compression Double Take

    When disk I/O is no longer a problem, it comes to CPU and network I/O... To reduce the CPU load (and disk I/O) you could e.g. tune your queries /...

  • Reply To: Updating Statistics

    Even after several minutes of thinking, I can't really anything I know about indexing flag as only nice-to-have. Ok, maybe you could just skip the whole in-memory-table stuff with its...

  • Reply To: Redistributing Data Across Files

    theoretical you could have added one more file to the filegroup and used

    DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'<original file>' , EMPTYFILE)

    to move all data into the new files (will be evenly distributed in...

  • Reply To: Oops, I deleted that data

    When your 500 GB database would use multiple filegroups (and the bigger tables are ideally partitioned into different FGs too), then you would be able to do a partial restore...

  • Reply To: Quickly Dropping Columns

    I find the answers a little bit misleading. If a column is part of another index, FK or constraint, it just can't be dropped (without dropping / changing the index,...

  • Reply To: Compare data of two tables

    CHECKSUM(*) or BINARY_CHECKSUM(*) could be an option but this needs all columns in the same order and (sometimes) equal data type.

    Beside of this the function may work or a good...

  • Reply To: A Good Reason to use a VCS

    MVDBA (Mike Vessey) wrote:

    when they come running for restore of a proc from a 400GB database it kinda changes their mind

    Forbit them to create any table in the primary filegroup, than this...

  • Reply To: A Self-Tuning Fill Factor Technique for SQL Server – Part 2

    Nice article.

    My main problem with the fill factor is, that I can't set it per partition. So I have either to waste a lot of space in my old, cold...

  • Reply To: Minimalistic SELECT

    @Carlo: so the dot in SELECT 1.test is not a whitespace or a dot as between filename and extension, but a simple decimal separator without a following decimal number as...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 157 total)