Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: NetLogon Error, EventID 5719

    Is there any reason to have the Service use a Domain account. Have the service use a local adminstrator account.

  • RE: SELECT Statements with multiple sets of criteria

    Is @VAR2 a field in TableA? Are you trying to return one record set? If TableA and TableB are alike you could union the results together.

  • RE: Export tables to SQL Server

    EXEC sp_changeobjectowner 'imported',dbo


    This will change the owner. 

  • RE: Export Data tables to Excel file

    Create the DTS package and create variable for the file name.  You can use a stored procdure to run the DTS package, passing the name of the file in.  A...

  • RE: Updating table from csv file

    If you use a temp table it has to be Global temp table.

    They way we do this is, we built a stored procedure that creates the table, then we use...

  • RE: How do i create a table to log DTS transactions.

    You could create a table like this. 

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DTSPackageExecutionLog] (

     [DTSPackageExecID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [DTSPackageName] [varchar] (30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [Step] [int] NOT NULL ,



    Can you just delete the data and do an insert statement from the current table to the backup.


    Trancate Table Backup

    Insert Into Backup

    Select * from Original

    Truncate Table Original

    bulk insert...

  • RE: SQL getting slower and slower

    If you reboot and it gets faster I would think the issue might be in your client applaction.  It could be keeping resources open when it should be closing them. ...

  • RE: DTS-DOS-FTP Connection Question

    I do not think that the DOS ftp connection will let you do this.

    The FTP tool in DTS is pretty weak.  If you are going to go through the trouble...

  • RE: How does defragmenting o/s affect SQL Server?

    Defrag drives only has positive effects SQL Server.  The more the fragmentation the more work it takes to read data.

    The best setting is to let Diskkeeper run continually for several hours...

  • RE: Automating DTS (sql 2k)

    We have a similar situation to this.  For our situation I found the best option is using command line Bulk Insert inside a stored procedure.  It runs quicker and is...

  • RE: remove duplicate records

    You have to use some kind temp table.

    This should work, I tested it with a couple of records

    Select Min(Column1) as Column1,Column3,Count(Column3) as Count

    Into #Temp_Keep

    from Table1

    Group By Column3

    Having Count(Column3)>1

    Delete From Table1


Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)