Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 60 total)

  • RE: backup 20x larger than database file

    vrsdesign (6/28/2012)

    What would be the problem with "FULLTEXT 0"

    besides the fact it is all hidden now inside SLQ server so you got to play CSI to figure em out, they...

  • RE: Data for development and report development

    VM offers snapshots & Lab Manager to do this sort of stuff. We use differential backups and some nifty bak & log shipping automation to give devMonkeys & reportDonkeys what...

  • RE: Shrinking TEMPDB files

    Reboot is a pathetic solution answer for a routine situation that is nearly 100% resolvable without a reboot. I'd rather kill random spids until the shrinkfile command magically works than...

  • RE: slow insert performance

    Have you looked at what types of wait's you are getting while it is running? Or ruled out IO bottlenecks.

    Usual Suspect list:

    1. Bad Code

    2. Worse Code

    3. Bad SAN

    4. Other...

  • RE: sql server 2005

    IF "Column 'dri_InwardEntry.Stock_OnEntryDate' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause." THEN you probably need to use...

  • RE: shrink fails with error - File ID of database ID cannot be shrunk as it is either being shrunk by another process or is empty

    [code="sql-- Using tempDB



    cast(SUM(unallocated_extent_page_count) as bigint) as 'Free Unallocated',

    cast(SUM(version_store_reserved_page_count) as bigint) as 'version store resv pages',


  • RE: The joy of sp_spaceused

    SELECT,(SELECT rows FROM dbo.sysindexes s WITH (NOLOCK)

    WHERE s.indid < 2 AND = A.ID )AS [Row count],SpaceUsedMB from


    CONVERT(numeric(15,2),(((CONVERT(numeric(15,2),SUM(i.reserved)) * (SELECT low

    FROM master.dbo.spt_values WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE...

  • RE: Try Catch

    He wanted a way to nest his 3 Stored Procedures such that if one failed they all would be rolled back, that doen't require a 4th transaction level outside scope...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Errors - Read Log via T-SQL?

    I have a few highly critical procedures that I raise a event error on if they fail and have SCOM pick up the event and alert me of the failure....

  • RE: Need an alternative

    create Procedure [dbo].[custinfo]

    @FromDate datetime,

    @ToDate datetime,

    @capital bit,

    @date datetime



    Declare @temp1 table

    (Code Nvarchar(255),

    Name Nvarchar(255),

    B1 float,

    B2 float,

    B3 float,

    B4 float


    IF @capital = 1


    Insert @temp1

    select Code,


    b1 = dbo.fGetcustinfo (dbo.fGetcapitalreturn(C.ID ,...

  • RE: Try Catch

    create table ProcTable1


    ProcID int identity,

    ProcVal varchar(10)



    ALTER procedure Proc1

    as begin

    begin try

    begin transaction outer1

    insert ProcTable1

    select 'PASS1'


    begin try

    begin transaction inner1

    insert ProcTable1

    select 'PASS2'

    commit transaction inner1


    begin try

    begin transaction inner2

    insert ProcTable1

    select 'PASS3xxxxxxxxx'

    commit transaction inner2


  • RE: Display only the Accessible Databases

    I am assuming you mean within SQL Server management studio (SSMS) ?

  • RE: Transferring Data from one table to another

    Bracket that with good backups just in case;-)

  • RE: Transferring Data from one table to another

    1. CREATE the new table schema

    2. INSERT your data over to new schema

    3. ALTER table(s) to create PK's on new schema

    4. ALTER table(s) to create FK's

    5. ALTER table(s) to...

  • RE: Offboarding Users

    Many homegrown and 3rd party products utilize SQL logins, schema, permissions, roles and rights. The good apps clean up their messes the bad ones leave that to DBA's. If you...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 60 total)