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  • RE: SELECT Into a Stored procedure

    my solution is:

    DECLARE @stringa nvarchar(4000) @parametri nvarchar(100)

    DECLARE @punteggioSel smallint, @punteggioTot


    SET @stringa = @stringa + ' SELECT @punteggioInt = @punteggioInt + PuntiMaschio from ' + @TblEta + '...

  • RE: SELECT Into a Stored procedure

    I have solved my problem with sp_executesql.

    Thank you for yuor help

  • RE: SELECT Into a Stored procedure

    yes, it'good but how can I read the value of variable @punteggio?

    SET @VAREXEC = 'SELECT @punteggio = punti from '+ @TblProfessione + 'WHERE ID = 1'


    @somma = @punteggio +...

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)