Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 2,468 total)

  • RE: SQL & the JOIN Operator

    "What really needs to be taught is the correct type of table aliasing. Table aliases should mean something that a simple table name may not be able to infer as...

  • RE: Motivating the Team

    OMG Steve - you wouldn't have been a fly on *my* wall the last few days, would you?! :w00t: Here's an excerpt from a cover letter I sent with my...

  • RE: SQL & the JOIN Operator

    I always enjoy reading "back to basics" articles and this one is great - simple, detailed and comprehensive.

  • RE: Estimating Priorities

    Completely agree with not undertaking as many home projects as one would like - the mere thought of the time and effort (& cost) involved is a big deterrent. However,...

  • RE: There Must Be 15 Ways To Lose Your Cursors... part 1, Introduction

    neufeldb4 (4/13/2009)

    Allow *me* to make some observations.

    1: This article was insulting. *I* am an intelligent professional with many years of experience. *I* design my code thoughtfully and...

  • RE: Passing a Table to a Stored Procedure

    Jeff Moden (9/20/2007)

    Thanks John and Rog... much appreciated!

    You may be using the wrong layer to do database things in. The type of activety that you've both described should probably be...

  • RE: Celebrating A Million


    I remember back when this site was second home to me and I spent a better part of my day (& night on many occasions) going through the forums...always learned...

  • RE: Congratulations to Our New MVPs

    Cannot think of two more well-earned awards - I'm glad to see hard work appreciated and recognized - guess you now find that it's been well worth your time and...

  • RE: The Lighter Side - Life is like an analogy

    I've long enjoyed David's writing style and humour - both in his posts and his articles - this was fun reading!

    I think there's another distinct analogy lurking between end users...

  • RE: A Function Gotcha with the Use of an Asterisk

    Ian Yates (4/29/2008)

    No problem 🙂

    Ian - in all the years that I've been using the query analyzer I never knew I could do that - if you have any more...

  • RE: Just another controversial topic

    Adrian Nichols (4/18/2008)

    Curd? Just don't goat there.

    Three chevres for an excellent cheese trail - personally I like a havarti chunk of spicy pepper jack;)

  • RE: Performance Tuning: Concatenation Functions and Some Tuning Myths


    What an absolutely well-written and informative article - I totally agree with the earlier post that remarked on this being a great way to start the new year. I seldom...

  • RE: The Twleve Days of Christmas

    Steve Jones - Editor (12/25/2007)

    Dedicated is a better word than sick 😛

    Actually it's such a habit for me and since the desktop and office are mere steps from the kitchen,...

  • RE: The Twleve Days of Christmas

    Charles Kincaid (12/25/2007)

    Well it's only us true die hards that would log in on Christmas day.

    Steve, if it were only just the twelve days. There are 300 plus additional...

  • RE: The T-SQL Test

    majorbloodnock (12/20/2007)

    The problem I find with tests like those you've mentioned is usually that they concentrate on the detail and not on the fundamental abilities. Personally, I like seeing people...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 2,468 total)