Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 51 total)

  • RE: grant exec on user SS2000 in stored proc

    gardenlady (10/28/2009)

    When I actually run the stored proc (to get data), then I have public in the Users or Roles section of the Permissions window. In the Explicit permissions for...

  • RE: grant exec on user SS2000 in stored proc

    I have the same setup; using SSMS to query SS2000 servers. I ran the grant statement for one of my stored procedures and it worked fine. I am sure you...

  • RE: grant exec on user SS2000 in stored proc

    gardenlady (10/27/2009)

    I am using SS Mgmt Studio 2005 against a 2000 db. I write stored procs and the sys admin wants me to add code at the bottom of the...

  • RE: round function

    fuma75 (10/27/2009)

    I have no idea!!!

    LOL :laugh:

    I am pretty sure he wasn't asking you specifically! 😉


  • RE: Formula For Column (Beginner Question)

    Try this:

    UPDATE myDB.dbo.myTable

    SET C = CASE WHEN [A]- < 0 THEN ([A]-) ELSE 0 END

    WHERE <your conditions if any;this line is optional>

    Note that if you don't put the where clause...

  • RE: query to modify

    Jeff Moden (10/16/2009)

    I don't know folks... don't kill me for this but he is a newbie, he asked very politely, it wasn't one of those "URGENT, URGENT!!!!" requests that we...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Bob Hovious 24601 (10/14/2009)

    That's how I interpreted it, Gail. This was my quick-and-dirty solution.

    declare @sample table (channel varchar(5), line_of_bus varchar(5), prod_nm varchar(20))

    insert into @sample

    select 'all', 'C1','last year p&c'...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    GilaMonster (10/14/2009)

    I need some help in getting data into a particular form. I have a table with three columns in. The first column is a code, the other two are...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    CirquedeSQLeil (10/14/2009)

    As for the query to modify, I think a turnoff to the query is that no query was provided (and thus nothing to modify). If there had been...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    My saying "within 5mins" meant the OP asked a question without table definitions, insert scripts and saying it's urgent still got an answer without anyone asking him to google it...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    GilaMonster (10/14/2009)

    s ss (10/14/2009)

    I was just wondering (in case I may have some questions in the future) what's so different about this post: Delete Duplicates then this one: query...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Grant Fritchey (10/14/2009)

    s ss (10/14/2009)

    Bob Hovious 24601 (10/14/2009)

    This is why people who waste our time are irritating, as are the people who insist that their problems are urgent and somehow...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Bob Hovious 24601 (10/14/2009)

    This is why people who waste our time are irritating, as are the people who insist that their problems are urgent and somehow more deserving of assistance....

  • RE: Mutliple Values in a Variable

    You will have to use Dynamic SQL.

  • RE: How to check in where clause ?

    Try this:



    Select *

    from t

    where c1 = "ASO '02 CHOICE 06"



Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 51 total)