Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 243 total)

  • RE: Model

    Sorry.My Question is not clear.

    My question is If we create new database from the server it will create the database based on the model database configuration.

    In that case is...

  • RE: @@Servername

    bpflanzer (4/26/2010)

    I've seen this before- I'd bet your server isn't registered as "local"

    Try selecting from master.Sys.servers- (select * from master.sys.servers)

    you're local servername should be server_id= 0

    if it's not- I think...

  • RE: @@Servername

    Grant Fritchey (4/26/2010)

    Can you get the information running this query?

    SELECT CONVERT(sysname, SERVERPROPERTY('servername'));

    If not, you may have an issue with the server, it's configuration, your connections... not sure.

    Yes. That select statement...

  • RE: Job Failed

    MeltonDBA (4/27/2010)

    Brandie is referring to (I think) when you take a backup of a database, that information (database name, timestamps, file name and path) are kept in system tables. ...

  • RE: Job Failed

    Brandie Tarvin (4/27/2010)

    I'm glad it's working now. Sounds like the filename was kept in a table and re-running might have cleared the cache.

    Hi ,

    I could not get you.can you elaborate...

  • RE: Job Failed

    Brandie Tarvin (4/27/2010)

    Well that seems to be the problem right there. The job is failing by trying to delete a file that doesn't exist.

    Perhaps you should check the job,...

  • RE: Job Failed

    Brandie Tarvin (4/27/2010)

    Does that file even exist? If so, is it perhaps locked by another process?

    No that files is not exist and I could not find when & how it...

  • RE: Job Failed

    Error Message from Maintanance Plan Text File...

    [5] Database DatabaseFive: Delete Old Backup Files...

    Unable to delete file G:\MSSQL\BACKUPS\DatabaseFive\DatabaseFive_db_201004251900.BAK. 0 file(s) deleted.

    End of maintenance plan 'Maintenance Plan' on...

  • RE: Job Failed

    sani (4/27/2010)


    Please provide more information. Is it Maintenance Plan? If so, Right click on that and view history. Here you can find more detail about M.P. than history provided by...

  • RE: @@Servername

    Sourav-657741 (4/25/2010)

    Sudhakara ,

    That's strange..! The serverproperty gives entire details of the SQL server.

    Again cross check the server name from services section.

    Refer the link:

    Thanks for all,

    can you tell...

  • RE: Services


    Is there any possibilities to get the server running status(Running or Stopped) from the registry?

    Thanks in Advance.

  • RE: Database

    ALZDBA (4/22/2010)

    You should contact your mail server admin and ask him/her to allow smtp relay for you sqlservers IP adress.

    Can you share me the link where i can learn about...

  • RE: sysmail_server

    Ratheesh.K.Nair (4/20/2010)

    account_idmail account id

    Servernameserver type (SMTP,MAPI)

    servernameMail Server Name


    usernameUser name


    use_default_credentials0 for no and 1 for yes

    enable_ssl1 for no and 1 for yes(secure socket layer)


    last_mod_datetimemodified date

    last_mod_usermodified by user

    Hi thanks your reply... please...

  • RE: Database Mail Profile

    Hi. thanks for your reply and query.

  • RE: Database Mail

    Verify the following steps from your agent properties:

    1) From Alert System option click the enble profible option. Then select mail system and profile name from which you can send mail...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 243 total)