Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 113 total)

  • RE: Want Sorting inside of CTS

    pl try below code..

    declare @My_Test_Temp table(

    [AccountID] [bigint] NULL,

    [CategoryID] [bigint] NULL,

    [RootID] [bigint] NULL,

    [TRNType] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [AcType] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [AcName] [nvarchar](max) NULL,

    [CrDr] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [Active] [int] NULL,

    [Sort_Order] [int] NULL,

    [HasParent] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [Descr] [ntext] NULL,

    [account_Code] [varchar](5)...

  • RE: Help on SQL query

    pls try below code declare @test-2 table (id varchar(10),name varchar(10),sal int,cum_sal int)

    insert into @test-2(id,name,sal)

    select 'C001','Jack',100


    select 'C002','Mick', 500


    select 'C003','Rock', 200

    --update stmt

    update t1 set cum_sal=(select SUM(t.sal)...

  • RE: Help on SQL query

    pls try below code.

    declare @test-2 table (id varchar(10),name varchar(10),sal int,cum_sal int)

    insert into @test-2(id,name,sal)

    select 'C001','Jack',100


    select 'C002','Mick', 500


    select 'C003','Rock', 200

    --update stmt

    update t1 set cum_sal=(select SUM(t.sal) from...

  • RE: Update Query Help

    pls check your where class values .

    you are send values correct or not.

  • RE: optimization of query

    IF IT IS necessary that time you will use order by

    ohter wise no need to use because it is take time.


    i have developed one report in ssrs.

    when i had run that report it was showing out of memory Exception.

    when i was run same query in sql server it was took...

  • RE: Finding and replacing the exact value in TSQL

    pls try belo code.

    CLARE @OrigString VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @SearchFor VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @ReplaceWith VARCHAR(100)

    SET @SearchFor ='.[Sample]'

    SET @ReplaceWith = '.[Client_Sample]'

    SET @OrigString = 'Newdb.[Sample].dbo.TableName'

    select REPLACE(@OrigString, @SearchFor, @ReplaceWith)

  • RE: Using a Function in a Where clause

    i was told split is function.

    if you will pass any parameter life empid like '1a,1b,1c'

    that time

    how to pass that string in where class.

    select * from emp


  • RE: select distinct records based on subgroup

    pls try below code.

    select * into #temp from @SAMPLE

    order by SUBGROUP

    select * from

    (select *,row_number() over( partition by amount order by amount asc) rank

    from #temp)k


  • RE: Using a Function in a Where clause

    any way

    user defined function.


    select * emp where empcode in(select * split('1a','1b','1c'))

  • RE: How do I replace ? in a REPLACE function

    select replace(columnname,char(63),'Null')

  • RE: Avoid Junk character in SQL server

    pls first find special character real values after using below code.

    DECLARE @postcode VARCHAR(15)

    SET @postcode = 'asd?'

    select replace(@postcode,CHAR(63),'')

  • RE: Split UK Postcode with SQL Server function

    pls try below code.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_leanUtil_PostCodePart


    @PostCode VARCHAR(15) ,

    @Part TINYINT


    -- WhoWhenWhat


  • RE: Data Delete issue

    pls try below code


    where deptno in( select distinct e1.deptno from emp e1

    INNER JOIN dept

    ON e1.deptno=dept.deptno AND dept.deptno=50)

  • RE: page breaks issue

    Thanks for gave replay.

    i have two data sets is there in report.that two group by common id.

    that why client was asked page breaks commid.


    first data set have d1,d2,d3

    second data set...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 113 total)