Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 309 total)

  • RE: Insert slowing down

    Is it possible that any of your tables or indexes are heavily fragmented ?

    How large are the tables you are inserting to ?

  • RE: Insert slowing down

    lbdw (8/6/2010)

    Well, let me list some more stats:

    average IO write ops 4~47 / sec, avg 188434 bytes/ sec (running raid thus using averages) , half way through it starts to...

  • RE: Insert slowing down

    lbdw (8/6/2010)

    Thanks for the feedback guys, but unfortunately I only upload 400K entries at a time never more using 1 Transaction and commit at end.

    Also Isolation level are set to...

  • RE: Insert slowing down

    Leo.Miller (8/5/2010)

    I recommend you build in some sort of batch control to try load about 100000 rows at a time and then do a commit. You would probably need to...

  • RE: SQL Files open in a new SSMS instance

    Chad Crawford (3/6/2009)

    Yes, that is what I would like to do - have it open in the SSMS that is already running. Right now it opens a new...

  • RE: Insert slowing down

    lbdw (8/4/2010)

    I checked the script durations and went like this:

    The first 10min duration 0, at 10min it drops to 35, at 20min to 110 and after 30min it goes to...

  • RE: Query Performance Question

    Glad I could help! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    Just of curiosity, could you please post the actual query plans of Query1 and Query2 after the statistics update ?

  • RE: Insert into table causing deadlocks?

    This sounds a lot like another thread some time ago. In that case the problem was caused by having ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS=OFF in one of the indexes in the affected table.


  • RE: Query Performance Question

    I made some tests and they confirm my suspicions:

    * It is very important to formulate the CHECK condition on the individual tables appropriately.

    * If you have correct statistics it...

  • RE: Query Performance Question

    DB_Newbie2007 (8/3/2010)

    I understand that having the DB objects, query plans, etc. help in diagnosis, but I was interested AT A HIGH LEVEL in knowing why there was such a dramatic...

  • RE: Insert slowing down

    lb_henning (8/3/2010)

    Well letโ€™s elaborate the situation:

    Technologies used:

    Server is a Quad Xeon 2.45Ghz (or something like that) 16Gb Ram, 1.5Tb total storage divided into 4 drives 1 for Windows, 1 for...

  • RE: Query Performance Question

    DB_Newbie2007 (8/3/2010)


    1) We do have constraints on the tables... here is an example:

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Jan10] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [CK_Jan10] CHECK ((datepart(month,[InvoiceDate])=(1) AND datepart(year,[InvoiceDate])=(2010)))



  • RE: Query Performance Question

    What is the actual execution times of the two query plans you posted ?

    The estimated cost for Query1 is 109.4 while the estimated cost for Query2 is 46.3

    With these numbers...

  • RE: Query Performance Question

    DB_Newbie2007 (8/3/2010)


    Unfortunately, "ChargeType" is actually my name for a bunch of columns added together in this particular table to list a charge. The tables (dbo.Jan10, dbo.Feb10, etc) are wide...

  • RE: Query Performance Question

    ----- Query 1: This query takes 24 minutes

    SELECT ID.InvoiceNumber, ID.InvoiceDate, ID.CustomerNumber, SUM(ID.ItemCharge) as SumCharges

    FROM dbo.VIEW_InvoiceData ID

    INNER JOIN dbo.InvSummary IS

    ON ID.InvoiceNumber = RIGHT(RTRIM(InvoiceNumber),12)

    AND ID.InvoiceDate = IS.InvoiceDate

    WHERE IS.CustomerNumber = '12345678'

    AND ID.InvoiceChargeItem =...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 309 total)