Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 31 total)

  • RE: SQL Server Move to SAN

    Sorry for the post, didn't realize this was SQL 2005

  • RE: Sounds Like


    Currently I have it stored as

    street_line1 VARCHAR(100)

    street_line2 VARCHAR(100)

    street_line3 VARCHAR(100)

    city VARCHAR(30)

    state ...

  • RE: Sounds Like

    As a VARCHAR(100)

  • RE: Sounds Like

    I'm still having problems.

    Do you know a way using either SOUNDEX or DIFFERNCE to get the following results?

    I'm wanting to take to addresses (a parent record and a child record),...

  • RE: DTS Package Execution

    I never even thought about using cmdshell.

    Thanks Bud!!

  • RE: Collation Issue

    Thanks guys.

    So just to clarify: It is the collation that makes the sql server case sensitive.  Right?

    I just have no idea how to make not be case sensitive.

  • RE: Collation Confilict

    I know to check/change the database default.  How do you look at the server default?

  • RE: Using DATEDIFF

    Worked out GREAT!


  • RE: Query Timeout

    I appreciate all of the help guys.  I ended up using the following the system stored proc

    sp_configure 'remote query timeout', 0


    reconfigure with override



  • RE: OPENQUERY Problem

    Sorry for being so verbose.

    This is the following error I keep receiving

    Could not process object 'CALL S10142CA.GENPRDCUST.SP9994('         050', '20040815')'. The OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' indicates that the object has no...

  • RE: OPENQUERY Problem

    That was one of my first thoughts.  Still didn't work

  • RE: DATEDIFF Group BY Month

    GOOD JOB!!

    I'm glad you got it working

  • RE: DATEDIFF Group BY Month

    This may seem like a lot, but here it is.



    IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#my_table') IS NOT NULL) DROP TABLE #my_table


    CREATE TABLE #my_table


      [id]    INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1)

      , start_date  DATETIME

      , end_date  DATETIME


  • RE: Database indexes


    Thanks to both of you for all your help, as well as the scripts.  It's good to have a place for DBA's to help each other.


  • RE: Database indexes


    Thanks for all the help guys.  My next question is: Which way is better?  A rebuild or a defrag?  Do they both accomplish the same thing?  Should I use both? ...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 31 total)