Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

  • RE: Database analisys tool

    This is such a broad topic, and most of the DMV's work together to give you a better insight into performance problems. The Microsoft whitepaper "Troubleshooting Performance Problems...

  • RE: How To Master a Database in SQL Server 2008

    The sys.dm_exec_query_stats is a central DMV to find the statistics of the current performance of cached query plans.

  • RE: Internals of data insertion into the table

    The transaction log is used for all modifications to guarantee atomicity, durability and consistency. Read Gail's thorough article.

  • RE: Question on ACID properties

    GilaMonster (9/21/2012)

    Statements are not atomic.

    Atomicity is a database principle(all or nothing), it is not to say it can/cant belong to something like a statement. You probably meant that they...

  • RE: Question on ACID properties

    GilaMonster (9/20/2012)

    The create table doesn't roll back for the same reason the create table doesn't roll back in this example


    CREATE TABLE SillyTable (SomeVal int)

    INSERT INTO SillyTable

    SELECT 1/0



  • RE: Question on ACID properties

    Nope, he's either wrong or is using a very extreme definition of 'durable'

    Yes, I think you are right on the "extreme" definition, but he is clearly wrong if he states...

  • RE: Question on ACID properties

    Where did you find this? I don't think that is true at all. The rollback would remove the table.

    begin transaction

    select 5 as Col1 into SomeSillyTable

    rollback transaction

    select * from SomeSillyTable

    Yes, for...

  • RE: Question on ACID properties

    The other possible query I can think of is SELECT INTO. This wont guarantee Atomicity and Consistency as the INTO table might still be created even if the transaction...

  • RE: How to delete in batches ?

    I do not understand what you mean by batch based. You can issue only one delete statement with the datetimestamp in the WHERE clause and it will be one batch.


  • RE: Database Transaction Log growing at 3-4GB per hour!!

    Try to see which transaction(s) are taking up the space and kill it if possible..

    You can find out with the DMV's with something like this (ordered by log space used)


  • RE: Not enough space on Server

    Try using the INTO statement if you can. This will only log the allocations and not the individual rows in the simple recovery as well as the bulked loged model:





  • RE: An examination of bulk-logged recovery model

    If you've got a database where the data file is optimised for reading (say raid 5 and read caches) and a transaction log optimised for writing (say raid 10 and...

  • RE: An examination of bulk-logged recovery model

    Hi Gail,

    Thanks for the great article..

    One question:

    One side effect of this requirement that both log records and modified data pages are written to disk before the transaction commits is that...

  • RE: Need Some Help with an Odd Query

    DECLARE @ParentChild AS TABLE


    RowID INT

    , ParentID INT

    , ChildID INT

    , WantThisRow VARCHAR(3)


    DECLARE @GrandChild AS TABLE


    RowID INT

    , ChildParentIDINT

    , GrandchildID INT


    INSERT INTO @ParentChild

    (RowID, ParentID, ChildID, WantThisRow)

    SELECT 2310, 22402, 22403,...

  • RE: Isolation Levels doubt

    itskanchanhere (4/19/2012)

    The more I read on Isolation levels the more I get confused

    I really don’t blame you. Transactions and isolation can be a very difficult and confusing, and BOL does...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)