Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: Need help building a query.


    Try this query

    Select Distinct x.auID, x.Emp_ID, x.dt_Start, (Select top 1 dt_End From auData Where dt_End > x.dt_Start) as dt_End


    (Select auID, Emp_ID, dt_Start, Emp_Cat From auData Where dt_Start is not...

  • RE: Query for selecting a criteria


    you can get using the below query also

    Select Ordernumber from test Where Ordernumber in

    (Select Ordernumber From test Where PartNumber = 'GGT-122') and PartNumber ='GGT-123'

  • RE: find HTML tags and sql query in a column of varchar

    Hi, can you provide some sample data

  • RE: sql problem


    Are you looking for some thing like given below

    CREATE Function udf_usetablecolumn (@serialno int, @value INT) RETURNS int AS



    @RetValue varchar(1000)

    SET @RetValue = @serialno+@value

    Return @RetValue


    and after creation

    Select dbo.udf_usetablecolum(serialno,value)

  • RE: Table size showing 7GB which is having ntext column with 1 million rows


    The table will meet with more number of insert statements and my table is not a heap table and when i run DBCC showcontig on the table i got...

  • RE: query help


    Is this the solution you are looking for

    Create table sam(

    a int,

    b int,

    c int,

    d int)


    insert into sam(a,b,c) values(1,5,5)


    insert into sam(a,b,c) values(2,4,10)


    insert into sam(a,b,c) values(3,8,14)


    Update sam

    Set d = (b+c)

    from sam x,

    (Select a,(b+c)...

  • RE: Table size showing 7GB which is having ntext column with 1 million rows

    Ok, i have another question. Whether a table with ntext column having 1 million records occupy 7GB space?

  • RE: Log file - but what is using it?


    When ever you do a large transaction (Data Load) each and every entry has to go to Log and then to Database.

    If you are running small no of transactions...

  • RE: Problem while creating a job

    Thank you Ramesh,

    I changed the scope qalifier '::' to '.' and executed from msdb and worked fine. Like below

    USE msdb


    GRANT EXECUTE ON msdb.dbo.sp_add_job TO public


    GRANT EXECUTE ON msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver...

  • RE: Problem while creating a job


    When i am execute the commands i get the following error

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 0

    Incorrect syntax near 'msdb'.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 0

    Incorrect syntax...

  • RE: Problem while creating a job

    Thank you Ramesh for your reply.

    It is working if i create the user for the login in msdb, but my problem is i have some 10 to 15 databases...

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)