Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 40 total)

  • RE: Connections: How many is too many?

    I know this is a bit late but... each connection while performing task may use a portion of tempdb.  Any global space used in tempdb is not released until the connection...

  • RE: Req: Queries to return complete DB schema

    Go to the Master DB and look at the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views.  Alter whatever you need to and save the query as YourCompany_SCHEMA.

    Now you have whatever you need.  If needed, move...

  • RE: Help with Export to Temp Table please

    USE YourDB
    SELECT DISTINCT * INTO TempDB..YourUniqueTable FROM YourTable
    DROP INDEX YourTable.BadIndex
    INSERT INTO YourTable SELECT * FROM TempDB.YourUniqueTable
    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IndexName ON YourTable(Column1Name, Column2Name)
    DROP TABLE Tempdb..YourUniqueTable
    This should take only...
  • RE: Missing Locking mechanism?

    Look at "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL" i Books on line for more info.


    Controls the default transaction locking behavior for all Microsoft® SQL Server™ SELECT statements issued...

  • RE: sp_execute ?

    Here's some documentation for you.  It's not much.  Have you tried DBCC Inputbuffer(nn) where nn is the SPID?

    API System Stored Procedures

    Users running SQL Profiler against ADO, OLE DB, ODBC, and...

  • RE: Login failed for user \.

    I am connected to MyServer via SQL Query Analyzer and Windows Authentication.  I am not connected to YourServer except via a Linked Server from within MyServer.  As stated above I...

  • RE: Login failed for user \.

    It is being executed from a client machine

    It is a type-o

    and I'll try the QUOTED_IDENTIFIERS


  • RE: I need big time help on this one


    I can also set the MaxConcurrentSteps to 1 to accomplish the same thing.

    I there was some way to tell DTS to use a specific Source Server Directory for these files...

  • RE: I need big time help on this one

    And it only happens with the Copy SQL Server Object Task.

    If I use the Transform Data Task everything is all right... with the exception of my tables number if the...

  • RE: I need big time help on this one


    7.0 to 2000

Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 40 total)