Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: How Long Before You Upgrade?

    Newbie poster here but long time voyeur!

    What are people’s experiences in jumping over versions when upgrading? We are currently looking at going from 2008R2 to 2016 for a...

  • RE: Transpose data

    Cadavre - Thank you for all your help

  • RE: Transpose data

    This is what I have so far, how do I get more than one row of data in the results:

    CREATE TABLE #TemplateDictionary(

    [TMPL_OBJECT_NAME] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,

    [FieldName] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,

    [FieldDataType] [nvarchar](100) NOT...

  • RE: Transpose data


    I have read both the articles you posted and have attempted to apply this to my solution but with no luck as yet.

    So if you could offer some more help...

  • RE: Transpose data

    Thanks Cadavre - that produces exactly the results I asked for, but I guess I maybe simplified my question too much.

    The problem I have is that No. of rows is...

  • RE: Working out consecutive days T-SQL

    This is a bit more accurate set-up.

    declare @MeetingRoom table



    ,RoomNo Varchar(20)


    INSERT INTO @MeetingRoom


    ('2011-01-03','Room1'), -- Mon

    ('2011-01-03','Room1'), -- Mon

    ('2011-01-04','Room1'), -- Tues

    ('2011-01-03','Room2'), -- Mon

    ('2011-01-04','Room2'), -- Tues

    ('2011-01-05','Room2'), -- Weds

    ('2011-01-07','Room3'), -- Fri

    ('2011-01-04','Room4'), -- Tues

    ('2011-01-05','Room4'), --...

  • RE: Working out consecutive days T-SQL

    Hi GSquare,

    Thanks for your response.

    I already have a calendar table as you have suggest. I simplified my problem and left this fact out of the description, which maybe I shouldn't...

  • RE: Update records with similar values

    again many thanks for everyone's help and also thanks for the pointers on code setup. I'll make sure I do this on all future posts.

  • RE: Update records with similar values

    Many thanks for all the code

    Very helpful thanks

  • RE: Trading in xp_cmdshell for SQLCLR (Part 2) - Export Data to Flat Files

    Great article and examples.

    How would I get the provideoutput code (see below) to write to a database table rather than printing to screen? I'm using the VB.NET version, but would...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)