Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 683 total)

  • RE: Need advice designing schema of database...


    I see where you coming from now. From a relational database point of view it certainly makes sense to stick with a MileStone table and accept that you're going...

  • RE: join 2 tables

    Try this:

    select Total.ClaimID, TotalAmt, Description


    (select ClaimID, sum(Amount) as TotalAmt

    from table1

    group by ClaimID) as Total

    inner join table1 t1 on t1.ClaimID = Total.ClaimID and DenialCode is not null


  • RE: call a store procedure into other store procedure !?

    Hi Christophe,

    Look at output parameters.... here's a brief example:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestStoreProcedure]

    (@my_param int output)


    INSERT INTO TPersonnes(Nom, Prenom) VALUES('tot', '')

    set @my_param = @@identity


    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestCallOtherProcedure]


    declare @valeur int

    exec TestStoreProcedure @my_param =...

  • RE: Need advice designing schema of database...

    I'm a little confused here so bear with me. Based on your brief description I counted 3 potential schemas, Client, Project and Milestone. It sounds like a single...

  • RE: Bulk Insert

    You can do this sort of thing using SSIS. Or you could use BULK INSERT or OPENROWSET to import the data into a staging table, from which you can...

  • RE: join 2 tables

    Does this work?

    select ClaimID, TotalAmt, Description


    (select ClaimID, sum(ActAmount)

    from table1

    group by ClaimID) as Total

    inner join table1 t1 on t1.ClaimID = Total.ClaimID

    left outer join table2 t2 on t2.DenialCode...

  • RE: Log shipping from 32bit to 64bit

    I don't know if Microsoft doesn't support it (I've not seen anything to suggest they don't) but it definitely works as I've done this in the past without any problems...

  • RE: join 2 tables

    mathewspsimon (11/4/2008)

    Hi gurus,

    I have 2 tables --

    Table 1


    55041-000412 0 ...


    Hi Kevin,

    One thing you should realise is that neither NOLOCK or READPAST do anything to improve query performance at all. All they do is control concurrency, which can have...

  • RE: Recursive query with info passing

    Have a look at this article:

    It's about expanding hierarchies. Your implementation is going to be slightly different because each person is connected to (and therefore a child of)...

  • RE: Can we pull data from 2 different servers with a single query.

    Have a look at linked servers in Books Online.

    Once you've setup a linked server you can join the two tables, by using fully qualified names.

    e.g. select * from some_server.database_name.dbo.table_name

  • RE: How to optimize my store procedure?

    I'm not surprised it takes so long. You've effectively implemented a cursor that goes through each row one by one. And at first glance you don't need a...

  • RE: D B Design

    This question is impossible to provide an answer for. It's a bit like going to an architect and telling him/her that you want them to build you a building...

  • RE: Getting curent logged application user

    To be honest I don't much about context_info but I think it's much simpler if you do away with the idea of trigger and just do all of your coding...

  • RE: SQL doesnt want to round??

    Got to admit, that looks strange. I've just pasted your code into a query window and it returns the expected results.

    Only thing I can think of is to explicitly...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 683 total)