Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 616 through 630 (of 683 total)

  • RE: Trouble restoring Master DB

    As Brian states, as long as you don't have to recover any custom stored procedures that you built into master you're probably ok if you have a script of your...

  • RE: Trouble restoring Master DB

    By the sounds of it you are going into SQL Server via Enterprise Manager (correct me if I'm wrong).

    Have you tried starting SQL Server from the command prompt, using "sqlservr.exe...

  • RE: Rights to run SQL jobs

    You need to be a memeber of the TargetServersRole role in the msdb database. I have a feeling that this role grants more than just execute permissions though. ...

  • RE: Dynamic SQL

    I'm not sure I understand your question.

    Your statement above is valid except for a small syntax error. You need to define the parameter's datatype.

    declare @var int

    select @var = count(*)...

  • RE: Best way to restore a backup from another server at each night ?

    You can use SQL Server jobs to do this quite easly.

    Create a job step that executes as a cmdexec, which will allow you to run the dos command to unzip...

  • RE: Top Nth row


    there are various ways in which you could do this and I'm sure you'll get some other posts with other solutions but here's a one of ways that come to...

  • RE: Database is still in use when i will backup...any idea


    is there any reason why you don't want to use SQL Server backups?

    I would recommend using SQL Server native backups or something that directly interfaces with SQL Server....

  • RE: Backup can not be performed on database

    Hi Helen,

    Check the error log to see if there's a more detailed answer.

    Couple of things that first spring to mind and are worth checking. Check the database is not...

  • RE: Implementing SQL server on 4 drives.

    Yep, placing the data files and OS on the same array and then place the logs on their own array.  It really isn't ideal but it's the best option in...

  • RE: Implementing SQL server on 4 drives.

    RAID 10 only needs a minimum of 4 disks, not 10. RAID 10 is a mirrored set of a stripe, or a striped set of a mirror.

    The biggest single...

  • RE: How do I restore a DB that wants 6X more space then it needs?


    about the filelist error you got. Haven't seen that one before to be honest.

    Run the following:

    restore verifyonly from disk = ''

    In theory it should return "Backup set is valid".

  • RE: Comparing only Time in Sql?


    you can do this by using the CONVERT function and the style option to specify that you only want the time:



    November 30, 2005 at 3:08 am


  • RE: Create databse with case sensitive collation


    Try the following functions:

    select serverproperty('collation') --to get your server's collation

    SELECT *

    FROM ::fn_helpcollations() -- might also be useful. it returns all of the collations with a description.


    Once you have your server's...

  • RE: How do I restore a DB that wants 6X more space then it needs?


    Unfortunately, if the database you are restoring had an 80 GB data/log file (even if it contained unused space), when you restore it SQL Server will attempt to create the...

  • RE: Implementing SQL server on 4 drives.


    At least you got a workstation.  At my current client I'm bringing in my own personal 64 bit system for them to test on.

    As for the best configuration on 4...

Viewing 15 posts - 616 through 630 (of 683 total)