Viewing 15 posts - 556 through 570 (of 683 total)
Hi John,
By far the easiest way is to create a maintenance plan and get that to clear out log files older than a certain amount. Typically, 48 hours worth...
June 1, 2006 at 9:16 am
Try this:
select ItemId, (Qty/(select SUM(Qty) from tblItem where ItemId = i.ItemId)) * 100 as ItemPct
from tblItem i
June 1, 2006 at 8:49 am
select file_id('logical filename').
Or select * from sysfiles.
However, your problem seems to be your interpretation of Page Number. Page Number is not dreived from the first column in sysindexes. ...
June 1, 2006 at 5:19 am
Hi Dinu,
Yes. Just reference the table by fully qualifying it with the database and owner name.
e.g. select * from somedatabase.dbo.mytable
June 1, 2006 at 1:55 am
Why don't you create a partioned view across your partitioned tables.
Once you've got a partitioned view, you just query the view. So if you query the view asking it...
May 31, 2006 at 9:01 am
backup the database, copy the backup file to the destination server and restore.
May 31, 2006 at 3:21 am
Glad that I was able to help and hope you can work things out from there.
Regarding your second problem, ideally, you'd want to handle this kind of thing on the...
May 31, 2006 at 1:28 am
Regarding the query comparing telephone numbers on two seperate databases, you can do something like this.
select * from mydatabase.dbo.Table1
where Telephone in
(select Telephone from myseconddatabase.dbo.Table1)
The above query will only...
May 30, 2006 at 1:21 pm
Hi Erik,
You would need to run that as dynamic SQL as follows:
Dim @CmdStr as varchar(200)
SET @CmdStr = 'select * from ' + @TableName
exec sp_executesq @CmdStr
By the way, you'll lose the...
May 30, 2006 at 1:13 pm
Oh, and Ian is right about the security issues behind executing dynamic sql but it is the only way to do it in this case.
Unless you decide to change your...
May 30, 2006 at 3:55 am
Hi Jane,
I'm not sure I've completely understood your problem so correct me if I'm wrong.
You've got a view that looks something like this.
from a1
join a2 on a2....
May 30, 2006 at 3:53 am
Hi Chris,
You'd need something like this:
update tblMP3Skins
set Used_By = u.Used_By
from tblMP3Skins s
select p.Skin, count(*) as Used_By
May 30, 2006 at 2:36 am
Intellisense for SQL Server is nothing new. Quite a few apps have been providing it for a while now - including SQLDBcontrol (shameless plug).
The neat thing about this is...
May 26, 2006 at 7:07 am
Hi Luis,
I'm not certain on what you mean, but you could run the update statement with a begin tran and leave out the commit tran.
Like this:
begin tran
update table
You can then...
May 26, 2006 at 3:47 am
I've definately been in a position where I could work from home before - but some roles don't lend themselves well to this. I work freelance so it depends...
May 26, 2006 at 2:34 am
Viewing 15 posts - 556 through 570 (of 683 total)