Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 683 total)

  • RE: Hard Disk free space is 0 MB, where the DB mdf and ldf are available

    dakshinamurthy (4/11/2008)

    Thanks for the instant and very usefull reply.

    I have a doubt, please dont mind if it is a stupid question or a silly question, because i am new to...

  • RE: EXEC, EXECUTE, sp_executesql

    EXEC and EXECUTE are identical - one is just shorter than the other. sp_executesql supports parameter substitution and it generates execution plans that SQL Server can more readily reuse...

  • RE: Hard Disk free space is 0 MB, where the DB mdf and ldf are available

    dakshinamurthy (4/11/2008)


    I have a server, which is used for replication and this server has been made as Publisher server. In...

  • RE: SQL editor that includes parsing and validation

    Jeff Wood (4/10/2008)

    Our company uses an application that has so many problems that the support staff are running ad hoc updates against the database constantly. Standard procedure is to wrap...

  • RE: SqlServer 6.5 to 2005 migration

    Unfortunately you cannot migrate directly from 6.5 to 2005. You'd have to migrate to SQL Server 7 or 2000 and then migrate to SQL Server 2005. Check out...

  • RE: Trigger / multiple rows

    Vijji (4/10/2008)

    Hi Karl

    after i remove IF @@rowcount = 1, it is updating only for the last record, remaining records are blank.




    That's because you're doing a right outer join and the...

  • RE: Script to restore all the Transaction log

    Since you're using SQL 2000 you could potentially use a combination of xp_dirtree and xp_getfiledetails to automate this. Here's a basic template for what you'd need to do.

    It's dependant...

  • RE: Trigger / multiple rows

    The reason it's only working for one row is because whoever designed the trigger decided to design it to only work with one row (as long as CALLNBR is not...

  • RE: SQL DBA needed in UK

    Could you please provide a more detailed requirements specification? Additionally, the nature of the role, location and salary would be useful.

    You might otherwise get inundated with emails from applicants...

  • RE: Newbie question

    jon (4/10/2008)


    I am having problems understanding the order in which SQL Commands are executed.

    This came about when I wrote the following script.

    If not exists(select * from sys.databases where name =...

  • RE: Find the number of tables used by a procedure

    Andras Belokosztolszki (4/10/2008)[hr

    Unfortunately SQL Server 2005 Management Studio does not parse the contents of views/stored procedures, ... other textual objects. What it does is selects everything from the sys.sql_dependencies (on...

  • RE: Find the number of tables used by a procedure

    Andras Belokosztolszki (4/10/2008)

    On SQL Server 2000 you can look at the dbo.sysdepends table, on SQL Server 2005 the sys.sql_dependencies.

    Unfortunately neither of these system tables/system views are reliable, and many times...

  • RE: Find the number of tables used by a procedure

    You can try and use exec sp_depends 'P1'

    But that isn't necessarily accurate - read up on sp_depends.

    The more accurate way of doing this is by right-clicking on the procedure in...

  • RE: restoring via TCP/IP

    bmanu98 (4/10/2008)

    I have to install my application which is using the SQL Server database, I don't have any rights on the server, so I can connect only via TCP/IP

    Like I...

  • RE: sysprocesses - reindexing

    Rootman (4/10/2008)


    Thanks for your reply. I need to check for both 2005 and 2000 databases. So should I chack for "Alter Index" and "DBCC reindex"?

    I'm not sure what...

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 683 total)