Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 242 total)

  • RE: Don't Let the Economic Downturn Get You Down

    Both times that I was laid off due to the economy, I embraced it as an opportunity to learn new things and do something different. And although I am...

  • RE: Security

    Ok, this is weird: I selected option 3, the SQL Server instance to act like a login, but then I was told I selected the wrong answer....

    I think I must...

  • RE: The Best Computer

    davidthegray (12/19/2008)

    But to me, the best computer scene in all the movie history of all times is the Star Trek scene (I can't remember the title of the movie, the...

  • RE: Learning Priorities

    ahem - do I want to admit to this?

    Yes, I'm 50+ and I'm still learning new things - LOTS of new things! And I love coding... I've been learning...

  • RE: Learning Priorities

    Loner (12/19/2008)

    . . . this is one of the reason why so many women leave the IT world. When a woman wants to take a couple years off to...

  • RE: Learning Priorities

    I think what bothers me the most about too much to learn and not enough time, is that I don't want anyone telling me I have to specialize. I...

  • RE: Learning Priorities

    I was just thinking about this the other day, when I had to tell myself I just don't have enough time or brain cells to learn (and remember) all aspects...

  • RE: Alone Time

    Yeah, when I got to thinking about it, it would only be able to tell that I was using my program editor, not which files (ie. project folder) I was...

  • RE: Alone Time

    Matthew Joughin (12/11/2008)

    I use a free service called rescue time to monitor how much work I'm actually doing

    it is really awesome, and helps me make sure that i'm give the...

  • RE: Alone Time

    When I was doing contract work, I worked from home (Denver) with people in London. I'm an early morning person, so I would start work at 6:00 am, and...

  • RE: Inbox Zero

    mhaskins (12/9/2008)

    I have a major problem with people who use automatic email filters. There have been many times when an email that I have sent has been filtered away and...

  • RE: Inbox Zero

    I have created quite a few project folders in my Outlook Personal Folders, and have set up rules to take incoming mail and moving it to the project folders based...

  • RE: Data Vices

    Andy Lennon (12/5/2008)

    My vice is non-action. I need some time to myself every day to sit around and do nothing . . .

    Oh, yeah! I forgot about that...

  • RE: Data Vices


    Fantastic advice!!!!! Thank you so much for the specifics!

  • RE: Data Vices

    jpowers (12/5/2008)

    Re: smoking - a study came out about 15 years ago which proved that the chemicals in smoking stimulated the endorphin center in the brain, which is why it...

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 242 total)