Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 721 through 735 (of 768 total)

  • RE: msrepl_tran_version

    Hello SQL DBAs,

    I needed little more clear information on this column: 'Msrepl_Tran_Version'.

    I configured the 'Transactional Publication with Updatable Subscriptions'. I created the DB: "sourav" and included only one article(table):' tab_pk'....

  • RE: Database Mirroring Transport is disabled when setting up Database Mirroring

    I performed the below steps:

    (1) Taken the backups of the DB(Mirror) in the Principal Server and Created the same name DB in the Mirror server and tried to restore the...

  • RE: <<Urgent Request>> SQL Server Mirroring Error.

    Thanks Dipali.

    By the way, can you send me the steps to configure the mirroring and also to do the failover(if you have prepared one doc for your reference)?

    I'm trying the...

  • RE: How to calculate the 'Fill Factor'.

    1 Lakh: 1,00,000 in nos.

  • RE: Identity Column values.

    My purpose is solved by running the below query ::

    DBCC CHECKIDENT('table_name', RESEED, 0) --> [0: if I want to start the counter value from 0]

    Thanx for all your help in...

  • RE: What is SPN(Service Principle Name)

    Very Much Useful Document, Thank you so much.

  • RE: Error running 'Database Tuning Advisor'.


    Thought I couldn't understand properly from your response how to fix my problem, but thanx for your response.

    Can you suggest any doc(PDF) so that I can go through the same...

  • RE: Slow performance

    Thanks Gail for prividing the links. Much useful.

    However, can you please let me know -

    --whether any standard metrics (predefined std value) is available to judge the perfmon counter values to...

  • RE: How to get the blocking details..

    Thanks Adi..The response was quite vivid. 🙂

  • RE: How SQL Server internally manages the Deadlock.

    I checked that already. But was looking for some other document containing some real-time scenarios.

    Can you please provide one if you are aware of?

  • RE: Blocking

    Hello Raj

    Our Sr. DBA team did SQL Cluster Failover to rectify the issue!!

  • RE: Blocking

    No yar, I can't do that batch jobs are running on the server.. and running processes status are in "suspended".

  • RE: Blocking

    Thanks for your response Raj. But the mentioned situation happened on Production only!

    Therefore no question of "Recycling the SQL Service", as it will incur temp downtime during the business hrs.


  • RE: sp_who2

    Thanks Mayank, JAson for all your response..

    I have noticed one more thinj..

    (1) While executing the query as:: DBCC inputbuffer(77)--SPID,

    I'm getting one result.



    Exec ImportComponents '459087',''


    SELECT @HANDLE = sql_handle...

  • RE: Unable to start the SQL Server End Points

    Thanks Marcus...

Viewing 15 posts - 721 through 735 (of 768 total)