Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: DB Cluster -- Web Farm dropping out

    Start with a better web application...clusters can fail, the fact that the web app can't deal with it post-failover is a flaw with the application.

  • RE: SQL/IIS Authentication

    Check the IIS Log file to see the cs-username...I assume you have disabled anonymous leaving only Integrated, digest and/or basic enabled, correct?

  • RE: Is Reporting Services Available

    Yes, and in production

  • RE: Can I Open Cursor with Dynamic SQL?

    Those times are few and far between...with user-defined functions, there are few if any times that you cannot convert your conditional processing via cursors to set based SQL statements.
    As for...
  • RE: Equivalence of UNSIGNED in T-SQL

    No good way AFAIK to deal with unsigned data in SQL, unless your only talking a byte....32 bit however, your best bet space allowing would be to go with a...

  • RE: DTS strips blank lines from procs

    Good luck, never seen anything to stop this "feature" of DTS object transfer.  AFAIK, the only way around this is to script the sproc either via em or SQL-DMO
  • RE: Duplicate Records Being Inserted

    Andy – We have given thought to checking for a dup in this fashion.  It creates additional coding at the ASP level to be able...

  • RE: Functions vs. Stored Procs

    Not sure what you mean, UDF's as they exist today within SQL 2000 allow for calling of stored procedures...are you trying to maintain some sort of intermidate results of say...

  • RE: Question On Group By

    UNION probably works have not tested it, but other option would be to build a temp table with dates to join against or perform sub-query within.

  • RE: Duplicate Records Being Inserted

    Others gave you the reason why this occurs, but the way to avoid this situation would be to key off another field within the table and check against sometype of...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)