Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 642 total)

  • RE: How efficiently delete the old data?

    Thanks for provide that script..

  • RE: PAE for HyperV server?

    Thanks for provide that Link. HyperV best pratices.

    1. PAE x86 system can applicable on host operating system and it allows using more than 4GB.

    2. PAE x86 virtual system can not...

  • RE: SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG and Index courrpted?

    one more help.. as per attached SQLDumper log, is it missing patch level on SP3? Pls. confirm

    current version

    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP3) - 10.0.5500.0 (Intel X86) Sep 22...

  • RE: SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG and Index courrpted?

    Thank you so much for your help.. I have done successfully all the action.

    DBCC CHECKDB ([Honeywell.MES.LimitRepository.DataModel.LRModel]) WITH NO_INFOMSGS, ALL_ERRORMSGS;

    Command(s) completed successfully.

  • RE: SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG and Index courrpted?

    yes, immediate i will recreate constraint. drop and recreate it will take 2 0r 3 min times.

  • RE: SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG and Index courrpted?

    due to constraint not able to delete that index.

    First drop that Uniqe key constraint and then it will allow drop that index..

    Pls. confirm if drop constaint key if any impact...

  • RE: SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG and Index courrpted?

    Thank you, I found some blocking SPID and killed them, after that drop and create the new index..

    But another one index not able to drop

    Msg 3723, Level 16, State...

  • RE: SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG and Index courrpted?

    I could not drop that index, ..

    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


    Drop failed for Index 'IX_OperatingLimitHighValues_EffectiveTime'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

    For help, click:



    An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL...

  • RE: SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG and Index courrpted?

    I tried as below command but not clear that errors

    ALTER INDEX [IX_OperatingLimitHighValues_EffectiveTime] ON




    ALTER INDEX [PK_OperatingLimitHighValues] ON





  • RE: SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG and Index courrpted?


    Msg 8952, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Table error: table 'OperatingLimitHighValues' (ID 741577680). Index row in index 'uc_OperatingLimitHighValues_uid1' (ID 2) does not match any data...

  • RE: SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG and Index courrpted?

    I have checked DBCC CHECKDB ('DBNAME') WITH DATA_PURITY, it was reported huge currption

    CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 104 consistency errors in database

    Msg 8952, Level 16, State 1, Line...

  • RE: how to determining the plan cache pressure Limit?

    There is only one Instance.

  • RE: PK column don’t have constraint?

    GilaMonster (3/10/2014)

    Still not following.

    Are you talking about the primary key constraint? Or some other constraint? What exactly is the problem here?

    Yes. I am talking about Primary Key constraint., Not for...

  • RE: PK column don’t have constraint?

    Let me explain the table defination

    Table TBL_UploadData_TRAN

    Data_ID - column is primary key already defined, but constraint is not added in that PK column. I verified no other columns does...

  • RE: Index Operational stats?

    Hi MyDoggieJessie, thank you for giving such a wonderfull information for finding potential index already exists in database. Mr.Brent Ozar's, sp_BlitzIndex - it is very useful for find idex issues.


Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 642 total)