Viewing 7 posts - 31 through 37 (of 37 total)
Found a solution, if you do the AND part first sql seems to like it. And you get the result set you would expect.
let $transaction := $b/Transaction[TransactionStatus...
February 15, 2017 at 6:15 am
Tried workaround 1 but it didn't work for me, but workaround 2 did. I set the path to DLL in SSMS
‘C:\Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle Extension Pack\bin\ext\x64\SSMA4OracleSQLServerExtensions.dll’.
I then...
October 26, 2016 at 3:50 am
FYI its a bug with SSMA
I apologize for any inconvenience and it seems like either the environment variable of SSMA path is incorrect, or the installation of extension pack writes...
October 26, 2016 at 3:49 am
The working sql 2008 standard edition env is a VM not attached to a domain.
The 2012 developer edition is a local install on by client machine. Even if I use...
August 10, 2015 at 3:29 am
PS the query itself works fine on 2012 developer
select name,convert(char(20), sysdatetime(),120) from [master].[sys].[servers] where server_id = 0
PC028132015-08-07 18:00:20
August 7, 2015 at 11:02 am
That's awesome , thanks for that , that makes sense.
Thank you so much 🙂
April 15, 2015 at 6:42 am
Viewing 7 posts - 31 through 37 (of 37 total)