Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)

  • RE: SP_ATTACH_DB - need to update stats when??

    Basic situation is this....

    Database held on our server, detached, and then shipped to a customer.  Customer attaches to their server.  Doing a full reindex would be overkill, as would Update Statistics...

  • RE: CASE With a Calculated Value

    I'm nowhere near a SQL box to try this, but you can't use it that way can you?

    Syntactically, your CASE statement looks wrong.  Shouldn't it be...

    CASE WHEN MonthsOfStock < 10...

  • RE: Is all code really code? One question from an interview

    I'm primarily a developer, but also have the DBA responsibilities. 

    A former colleague of mine (brought up on VB ) actually wrote SQL procedures like VB code.    His SPs would...

  • RE: Dot notation vs (local)

    I assumed it was library related, so didn't look into the problem in depth.

  • RE: SQL Server 2000 and not 7

    I've never had a problem restoring SQL7 to 2000 - just make sure you do un Update Stats. I can't think of any good reason to stick to 7...

  • RE: Dot notation vs (local)

    I wrote some SQL-DMO code and found a similar situation.

    SQLServer.Start... on 9x/ME I had to use .\instancename and on NT/2K/XP I had to use (local)\instancename

    With SQLServer.Connect, (local)\instancename...

  • RE: Horizontal Filters in Transactional Replication


    As far as I know the filter applies to updates. deletes and inserts. One thing I would caution against is transactional rep with records that change qualification status....

  • RE: Snapshot...stopping indexes being created.

    Hmmm...I have to admit that I rarely use the SPs directly. However, if setting replication up through EM, then you cannot actually set pre/post scripts unless going to SQLServer...

  • RE: Snapshot...stopping indexes being created.

    Interesting suggestion , and one that I did not consider as a possibility. That is an exceptional suggestion!

    As I'm replicating to non-SQLServer destinations, I'll have to manually insert steps...

  • RE: SQLServer.Start usage difference by OS?

    All the latest, greatest.....I can work around it, but it seems a horrible kludge to me...

  • RE: Report Printing from SQL 2000

    I'd be tempted to wait until Report Services comes out....although find details about it is hard at best. Other than the small snippet on MS website, I've found nothing...

  • RE: SPs and OUTPUT parameters

    Nice to see all your feedback.

    Whilst I can see there may be a little extra overhead in returning results where there is one row, I would consider it...

  • RE: Do you allow developer to access Production Server

    I'm battling with this myself....

    There are several issues that may arise, and to some extent 'it depends'. Personally, I'd lock them with select and SP execute permissions where it...

  • RE: Enabling use of an authorization code

    The way I'm reading this suggests you might want to secure the database to prevent access through other software (e.g. Access, any ODBC/OLEDB consumer) as well?

  • RE: Selective replication

    I setup a full test, and its failed.

    The Distributor agent spewed out...

    The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command.

    This suggests to me that a...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)