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  • RE: Import excel file to sql server table

    yes, thanks, I tried your suggestion and made it calculate the value and then feed it in. That made the db recognize what it needed to. thanks!!

  • RE: Import excel file to sql server table

    Thanks very much Phil and Gosta.

    I'm going to post the solution to my problem for anyone else who needs:

    In order to append new rows from my excel files to tables...

  • RE: Import excel file to sql server table

    I think it's that when I connect the excel source to the data conversion, it thinks it's a double precision float RT_8 and it sees the rest as DT_WSTR. How...

  • RE: Import excel file to sql server table


    For the data mismatch, I tried deleting and putting the lookup back in and now it doesn't even want to connect the ID column but everything else.

    The transformation box doesn't...

  • RE: Import excel file to sql server table

    Hi Phil,

    lol thanks. Yea it's taking a bit (I've been getting along with just a source and a destination the whole time). The file is formatted as text because some...

  • RE: Import excel file to sql server table

    Everything in the xcel sheet is text formatted. The datatypes are nvarchar(255). I could try disconnecting and refreshing all the connections in the data flow controls. im a little stumped...i...

  • RE: Import excel file to sql server table

    I've configured the lookup and have it checking corresponding ID's, not the whole table. The excel source goes into the lookup box. The error says 'input column ID and reference...

  • RE: Import excel file to sql server table

    thanks! I'm learning this software so I'm not sure what a lookup that another control to drag and drop? I'll research on google as well...thank you!

  • RE: Import excel file to sql server table


    I have an excel file that I need to keep dumping into a sql database as I add more records to the excel file. Instead of appending, I've been deleting...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)