Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 153 total)

  • RE: sql2008 with 2000 instance

    The DB belongs to a commercial (off the shelf) application that has not yet upgraded. I read and use data from their database.

  • RE: SQL 2008 and 2000

    very much appreciate it. This means we go live with SQL 2008 this week. Thanks


  • RE: date function

    I've wondered about consolidating date and time into a single column. But I noticed that with SQL 2008, they now have capability for separate date and time, so I assumed...

  • RE: date function

    Hi Jeff:

    The reason I was adding a date from one column to the time of another column is because: This is a medical application and one surgical procedure might...

  • RE: date function

    thanks so much. This works.


  • RE: date function

    both columns are smalldatetime.

    DateAppointment is: 2009-07-17 00:00:00

    TimeStart: 2009-07-16 12:30:00

  • RE: change where clause

    yes, I'd like to keep my job, so will work on the child SPs. That sounds like the best option. Thanks so much!!


  • RE: change where clause

    It seems like my simplest option might be to pull lots of records over the network (one sp without a where clause) and then filter out what I want on...

  • RE: change where clause

    I had tried views before but performance was slow. I guess my best option may be what I'm doing. Just seemed redundant.

  • RE: insert statement syntax

    sorry for the trouble. I got it by adding the value in the select statement. Thanks

  • RE: detect "no record"


    That seems so obvious now. Couldn't see it before.


  • RE: getdate() in dynamic SQL

    Thanks! Sergei's syntax was it!


  • RE: union query

    thanks! It works.


  • RE: PostgreSQL

    I'm checking out some of the open source options in terms of perhaps porting over an application. I looked at MySQL and was stunned that they just now have stored...

  • RE: complex query

    kinda embarrassing but it was the


    in the last line. I changed it to


    the "f" alias referred back to the AppointmentAilment table. The "a" alias was referring back to...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 153 total)