Forum Replies Created

Viewing 3 posts - 151 through 153 (of 153 total)

  • RE: Update Stored Procedure

    I think I have it now. I replaced the "set" with commas and my syntax is successful now.

    I will post back if I still can't get it to work.



  • RE: Update Stored Procedure


    From your example, I got this far:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.procApptOVDetailUpdate (@nApptID int, @ApReason int, @Radiol int, @mammTime int, @cxrTime int)


    Update ovd

        set ovd.ApptReasonCode = @ApReason

        set ovd.RadiolInfoCode=@Radiol


  • RE: Stored procedures with .mdb type app

    Thought others might benefit from Mary Chipman's comments (from newsgroup):

    An mdb is a better choice since you also have the flexibility of

    storing static data locally in Jet tables, allowing you...

Viewing 3 posts - 151 through 153 (of 153 total)