Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • RE: Query Question

    I don't understand Noel's suggestion.  My situation is that I get files (6) from different Gov agencies--OFAC, GSA, DPW, HAP, HAP Nursing, etc... I have absolutely no control over the...

  • RE: Query Question

    Unfortunately, I get the Regulatory table from government sources.  So, I am at their mercy in terms of what information I am provided. They only provide the name and address--no...

  • RE: Date Conversion

    I run the sql statement through the DTS package--It is the "Execute SQL Task" icon within DTS.

  • RE: Parsing Data

    The parsing worked great.  I was able to complete about 6 files.  I have another question with regard to the Active X script and parsing, though.  I have a single...

  • RE: Parsing Data

    Thank you for the solutions.  I used the Active X script suggested by David--added that to the script that was already running--it works great.  I have one more question with...

  • RE: Parsing Data

    I made another stab at the Active X transformation and did the following.  First, I used sql to remove all of the Jr., Sr. I, II, III, medical degrees, etc......

  • RE: Parsing Data

    Thank you for the examples.  I would like to use the one offered by David, however, I am not a programmer and the code doesn't seem to work.  Is there...

  • RE: Parsing Data

    Here are some examples

    City,State (just a comma no spaces)


    Whole Name (Unfortunately this combination is all within one spreadsheet--whole middle name mixed with initial)

    Struthers, Sally J.

    Barker, Bob P.

    Carmike, James Anthony


    Whole Name...

  • RE: T-SQL Distinct subquery

    Thanks noeld.  That works perfectly.  Such a simple solution to a problem that has consumed quite a bit of my time.

  • RE: T-SQL Distinct subquery

    For my purposes, the address doesn't really matter--some of the data that will come in will have no address at all or addresses will be spelled differently or will be...

  • RE: Access 2000 upsized to SQL2000

    I made the changes to the sql server table (on the server), then recreated and/or refreshed the links (tried both several times).  However, this causes the following problem:  When a...

  • RE: Access 2000 upsized to SQL2000

    Your assumption is correct.  However, new data can be added via the access interfaces (forms or through the table view), but no data that was present can be edited.  It gives...

  • RE: Access 2000 upsized to SQL2000

    Your assumptions are correct; however, I don't see where you are going with this.  Are you asking whether primary and foreign keys are set for all tables.  If so, then...

  • RE: Access 2000 upsized to SQL2000

    Thank you for the suggestion, however, 2 things:

    One, I tried to make the change in the linked table through access.  It won't save any changes as it tells you that...

  • RE: DBID issue on restore

    We do the same thing routinely.  The issue I have is the restoration of msdb and the fact that the dbid's were not the same on the new box vs....

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)