Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 51 total)

  • RE: Short cut key

    Hari.Sharma (7/15/2008)

    As simple as it is:

    -- Query

    USE [MyDataBase]


    TableName -- Bold shows that it is selected

    -- Now Press Alt+F1

    I think it is very easy and self explanatory.

    See the attachment


  • RE: Short cut key

    Hari.Sharma (7/14/2008)

    Did you really try this?

    Just select a table name and press Alt+F1 and see the result...

    Just select a table name and press Alt+F1, is that all I have to...


    kevriley (7/1/2008)

    It doesn't matter whether you specify SYSTEM or not

    From the same link

    SYSTEM specifies an ANSI SQL implementation-dependent sampling method. Specifying SYSTEM is optional, but this option is the only...


    I got this right, but the explanation, to me, doesn't really sound right:

    "TABLESAMPLE returns an approximate percentage of rows, even if a number of rows is specified. This is used...

  • RE: stored procedure help

    Thats solved it, thanks GSquared.

  • RE: stored procedure help

    No matter, fixed it. It was returning no records as I was checking that the WBSSubsetID didn't equal in the not exists, whereas I should of been checking they...

  • RE: stored procedure help


    I have tried doing that, but at the moment it doesn't return any records. Here is what I have now:

    SELECT dbo.vWBSAvailable.WBSSubsetID, dbo.vWBSAvailable.[Change : WBS : WBSSubset]

    FROM dbo.vWBSAvailable

    WHERE dbo.vWBSAvailable.ProjectID =...

  • RE: Sort Order - Include Null al last

    majorbloodnock (6/24/2008)

    Well, I think we all now know that there are a couple of issues with the question and answer, that the author has willingly admitted this, and that SSC...

  • RE: Sort Order - Include Null al last

    William Strutts (6/23/2008)

    Me too. I selected the second answer and it said that I was wrong. Then it says the correct answer is the one I selected. What is going...

  • RE: select statement calculation gives wrong answers

    Thanks, that solved it.


  • RE: Sort Order - Include Null al last

    I to got the question "wrong". What I want to know is, when someone puts up a QoD, is there any sort of checking involved by the mods/admins, or...

  • RE: Automatically insert text from one text box on a subform to an unbound text box on a form as typing

    That is sort of what I had before. The problem is that, it works when the text box is blank. But, if I want to add to the...

  • RE: IF EXiSTS -- Please help

    You say you want to update Status = 1 if username exists. On your update statement, are you doing that right as I would of thought you would do...

  • RE: set @.. = select case when help

    I solved the other error as well. I put brackets around the select from where statement, and I also missed out the group by which I put in. ...

  • RE: set @.. = select case when help

    I solved the "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'from'." error, I had missed of the word 'end' at the end of the set @UAP = ... line.

    I need help with...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 51 total)