Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 454 total)

  • RE: The inline TVF

    Luis Cazares (12/15/2016)

    TomThomson (12/15/2016)

    The quasi-BNF for inline TVFs at the CREATE FUNCTION (Transact-SQL) page is quite amusing: it gives you four options for the parentheses: have both, have neither, have...

  • RE: The inline TVF

    Yes, the TechNet article is inaccurate. As per the MSDN documentation (, the parentheses are optional.

  • RE: Comparing Execution Plans

    Koen Verbeeck (12/14/2016)

    sknox (12/14/2016)

    Koen Verbeeck (12/14/2016)

    sknox (12/14/2016)

    The question is written as "How can you identify any differences?"

    However, 3 of the four answers fit that question as written.

    The question should...

  • RE: Comparing Execution Plans

    Koen Verbeeck (12/14/2016)

    sknox (12/14/2016)

    The question is written as "How can you identify any differences?"

    However, 3 of the four answers fit that question as written.

    The question should have been "How...

  • RE: Comparing Execution Plans

    The question is written as "How can you identify any differences?"

    However, 3 of the four answers fit that question as written.

    The question should have been "How can you most...

  • RE: Thanksgiving

    Mikael Eriksson SE (11/24/2016)

    Which of these queries will work consistently on every Thanksgiving?

    Actually none since limitations of the data type but number 2 works for more years then number 1...

  • RE: Performing union data with null values

    Toreador (11/15/2016)

    The answer is right, but the explanation is wrong, as it says the answer is 0,1,2,NULL,NULL

    If that had been one of the options I might have got it wrong...

  • RE: Executing an R Script

    You can use source in the text of your R script to bring in a file. Cf

  • RE: OUTPUT Targets

    Stewart "Arturius" Campbell (9/30/2016)

    Nice, easy question to end the week on, thanks Steve.

    Just a point of confusion in the options:

    a table variable, a table in the table, or a temp...

  • RE: Comparing with NULL

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (9/26/2016)

    Updated the question to say ANSI_NULLS set to ON.

    Note, at some point, this will be the only setting allowed.

    Thanks, Steve! While I think it's...

  • RE: Bones of SQL – Grouping By User-Defined Calendar Periods

    Of course, for user-defined periods which are used often, the best thing to do is to add these calculations into the generation of your calendar table ( )...


    George Vobr (9/19/2016)

    Practical for use is that the second parameter may have also a negative value,

    thanks for this seemingly simple question Nagaraj. 🙂

    Was going to post this. For example, one...

  • RE: Small rounding

    TomThomson (9/9/2016)

    Since we are not permitted by MS SQL Server to write the literal as .7 instead of as 0.7, we are forced to write at least one digit...

  • RE: Small rounding

    Good question, but the explanation is incomplete. Precision is only half of the story, the other being scale.

    1.0 can fit in a number with precision of 1, if the scale...

  • RE: Will It Compress?

    Carlo Romagnano (9/2/2016)

    SPARSE is not a datatype but a property.

    So, the correct answer is wrong!

    SELECT * FROM sys.types

    WHERE is_user_defined='0'


    I understand why Andy didn't specify SPARSE, as that...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 454 total)