Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 391 total)

  • RE: Create Statement

    Great question. Had to reread to catch the problem because I knew that nobody would intentionally create user objects in tempdb.

    Hugo brings up a good point as well about...

  • RE: Computed Column Divide by Zero?

    Good question today. Learned something which makes it worthwhile

  • RE: Gender Differences in the Workplace

    Thanks Jessica, very good article.

    I remember that when I was interviewed for a position at a very large company, the one question that stands out in my mind was "Do...

  • RE: Persisted vs Non-persisted Computed columns


    Mostly queries that report aggregated data for an audience that doesn't care about the exact number, but only wants an indication. If the numbers my query produces will be rounded...

  • RE: Persisted vs Non-persisted Computed columns

    First - this was a very good question. Learned something today which is great.


    Shame about the (nolock) hints, though. They serve no purpose, and they might lead people to believe...

  • RE: How to delete database on production server


    Coming soon, another thread about restoring a database without a backup

    Can't wait for this one. Hope that it is as informative as this thread has been.


  • RE: How to delete database on production server

    And do it alphabetically, of course.

    That's how I do it, one a day like a vitamin.

    Really, why do you want to delete a production database? Especially when you don't know...

  • RE: Clustered Indexes

    Very good question - actually gets the blood flowing.


    Steve Jones

    My apologies for this

    Sorry, in this case, I don't feel that the responsibility falls upon you to do the research for the correct answer. The answer provided sounded viable,...


    Nakul Vachhrajani, very good question.


    Nakul Vachhrajani

    That's why said "the test above shows that..." - I didn't have the time to do the detailed reasoning when I encountered this issue...

  • RE: Creating indexes on computed columns


    Your answers are wrong. You state that you can pull data from multiple rows, yet BOL which you state as your reference says

    No column reference pulls data from...

  • RE: Fun with IDENTITY - Part I

    Good question - after the fun with transactions, nobody should have gotten this one wrong:-P

  • RE: SCHEMABINDING question

    Did you use a script to do the modification or did you use the gui?

    I did it the lazy way, used the GUI

    I wouldn't "lose" the schema binding if I...

  • RE: SCHEMABINDING question

    I recieved the following error when attempting to alter a table with a view which was created with schemabinding:

    Warning: The following schema-bound objects will be modified:

    - View 'dbo.test_vw':...

  • RE: Index on computed columns

    Good question - good chance to review

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 391 total)