Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 104 total)

  • RE: EMC CX400

    Well of course the partnership between Dell and EMC is relatively new, so I would instantly ask who will be supplying maintenance contracts etc. That aside, the next subject...

  • RE: Need help with Case statement


    Remove this from your SELECT:

    '[Amount] = ' - you don't need to name columns in a SELECT which is part of an INSERT.



  • RE: Speed: Insert select stmnt vs Inserting via cursor

    Actually answered my own question (868 rows), sorry. Why are you using FAST FORWARD and not READ ONLY as the cursor type?

  • RE: Speed: Insert select stmnt vs Inserting via cursor

    I'm not going to answer your question directly, but I will say a few things. Firstly, you're use of a NOT IN will not take advantage of any indexes...

  • RE: Benefits of multiprocessors

    The answer is unfortunately not as clearcut as that. Many times I have seen performance drop significantly between writing something on my single processor development system, take it to...

  • RE: Check for Open Record

    I'm not 100% certain that this is the correct approach. You really should be using optimistic locking, and then testing to see if the row has been changed when...

  • RE: Can I avoid a cursor

    You could well find that having a permanently defined table to hold the working data set will be far faster because you can put indexes on it.

    Variable of table type...

  • RE: Can I avoid a cursor

    Which is worse? I suggest that the use of the temporary table, which is being created with a SELECT INTO with all of it's inherent problems with locking, is...

  • RE: Update Script


    I did ask you before how you would therefore code a routine where something has to be done to each of a set of rows from a query, say for...

  • RE: best practice disk arrays

    The thing you must watch out for is that the fabric between the server and the SAN, especially in the case of fibre channel. I've got a fibre optic...

  • RE: One Big Database vs Many Smaller Databases

    I think rather than looking at the semantics of the database design, you should consider how the business wants to use the data and what it's plans are going forward....

  • RE: Inserting a single quote using stored procedures

    OK Simon, then how do you code things like loops of rows in a cursor where you need an action to occur on each row, rather than an aggregated result:...

  • RE: Initialising T-SQL Variables before using a SELECT

    Well I think that about sums it up, lol - hope you're paying attention at the back - there will be questions at the end...

  • RE: Initialising T-SQL Variables before using a SELECT

    Yes Simon, I would add though for swjs benefit that the test on @@rowcount should be inserted immediately after the SELECT else the result cannot be guaranteed to be relevant.


  • RE: Initialising T-SQL Variables before using a SELECT

    The reason is that you need to cover the eventuality that your <some condition> is going to fail sometimes. If you don't reset the value or use ISNULL() to...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 104 total)