Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 349 total)

  • RE: Slack SQL Server

    My big beef is with the date functions. I often have to calculate how many years, months and days between two dates. SQL will tell you that there...

  • RE: Open Source Pay

    Every place I have worked has forbidden discussion on salaries. It is a firing offense.

    I'm OK with that. If someone in the same position as I am is...

  • RE: Best book or web site for starters

    Although it's written for 2000, the best book by far that I have found is "Hitchhiker's Guide to SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services" by Peter Blackburn and William Vaughn.

    I believe...

  • RE: A Release from Data

    And there's no shame in RUNNING!!!!

  • RE: A Release from Data

    One thing a former instructor told me that I'll always remember - "When you get your black celt it means you are ready to start learning."

    I have my second black...

  • RE: A Release from Data

    "We focus on the tenents - Courtesy, Integrity, Perserverance, Self Control, and Indomitable Spirit."

    That's interesting. We focus on the five hearts - Faith, Respect, Perseverance, Patience, and Humility.

    Religion is...

  • RE: A Release from Data

    To all of you who have dropped out of martial arts due to injury, I have to recommend T'ai Chi. It is a very powerful martial art and you...

  • RE: A Release from Data

    Well, I am all of the above.

    I have been studying T'ai Chi for years, and it is a wonderful thing. I also am a singer and play keyboard. ...

  • RE: Knock, Knock…Who's There?

    Hah! You have a point about Texans!

    BTW, love the screw/bolt joke.:P

  • RE: Knock, Knock…Who's There?

    Many Americans are not just culturally ignorant, but are culturally resistant. I live in Texas, and more and more signs are in both English and Spanish. People actually...

  • RE: Knock, Knock…Who's There?

    I view laughter as medicine. I am the biggest cut-up and, fortunately, I work with light-hearted people.

    CUSA - I love it!

    Here's a joke to offend people on both sides...

  • RE: DIY

    I'm afraid I'm a weenie when it comes to DIY, but I sure admire people who do it.

    I can DIY with girlie stuff, though. I can make clothes or...

  • RE: Writing

    I, too, hated to write in high school. It took a hard-nosed college professor to teach me how to write and to get me to enjoy it. I...

  • RE: Getting Organized

    I keep it simple and mostly manual or I won't do it. If I have lots of different things to do, I keep a paper list - simple. ...

  • RE: How to Do a Subreport?

    Thanks, Jack.

    I will check that report out. Gotta run to a meeting now . . .

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 349 total)