Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 103 total)

  • RE: SQL XML - Font colour in a case statement

    Hi Drew, sorry I'm not quite sure what you mean.  This is an insert into a table variable using a select statement.  I've provided the whole code and the result set...

  • RE: SQL XML - Font colour in a case statement

    Yes ok, here's the whole statement...

    DECLARE @Result numeric(20, 4), @lastyear datetime, @StartDateLastYear DateTime, @EndDateLastYear DateTime, @datetime DATETIME, @Hour INT, @StartDateToday DateTime, @EndDateToday DateTime
        SET @datetime =...

  • RE: SQL XML - Font colour in a case statement

    Sorry was just trying to get rid of clutter.  It's reading from a coulpe of table variables built from a basic select statement.


  • RE: Extended Event vs Profiler Trace

    I'm learning lots here...I didn't realise that? So the only way to get actuals is from XE

  • RE: Extended Event vs Profiler Trace

    Cheers Mad, should have thought of that! 🙂

  • RE: Extended Event vs Profiler Trace

    Yes I see. Putting the SP name in the 2nd query works like you say. But doesn't for Profiler. Be nice for MS to point out these very...

  • RE: Extended Event vs Profiler Trace

    Sorry, just re-read and you suggested using the Proc name. Thought I'd tried that but will give it another go.


  • RE: Extended Event vs Profiler Trace

    Thanks for your input Gail. So it's different to Profiler in what it picks up by the sounds of it as the query on this object is run via...

  • RE: Named Pipes connections

    Hi Steve, yes I get the same thing. If the endpoint is stopped I can't connect using np:.... but if it's started I can.

    However all this time

    a) the...

  • RE: Named Pipes connections

    Hi, yes the first two queries are what I mentioned I'd run already. It is still stopped in sys.endpoints

    The last query doesn't show any named pipes connections at the moment,...

  • RE: Named Pipes connections

    Hey Steve, no problem, v grateful for the response!

    I've had a further look and yes the server has been restarted a few times. What's interesing is that although Named Pipes...

  • RE: Named Pipes connections

    Thanks Steve, but shouldn't I expect to see the connections as TCP/IP if that happens? I still see it as 'Named Pipes'

    I also can't see anything in the link...

  • RE: Getting Alert if job is running unusual

    This works for me...change @MaxMinutes as necessary and schedule to run as often as you set @MaxMinutes.

    It will list anything long running, not just jobs!

    set nocount on


    declare @MaxMinutes int


  • RE: Server Hacked

    Was SQL put in single user mode before this? If so maybe someone got Server Admin rights and just added themselves as a SQL Administrator.

  • RE: SQL Agent job does not continue after server restart

    Theres a 'Schedule type' option in the SQL Agent to start a job automatically whenever the Agent starts...which it will when a server (or SQL itlsef for that matter) is...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 103 total)