Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 72 total)

  • RE: Warning

    Though it appears to be a warning while table creation, update & Inserts will fail with error

    Cannot create a row of size xxxx which is greater than the allowable maximum...

  • RE: Snapshot iso-level for views

    This would be error message you will get if you start a transaction in any other level and then changes isolation level to snpshot; at statement level with table hint...

  • RE: Case statement Question

    hey mike

    What is problem with soln suggested by Darryl? 


    @option int


    @option = 1



  • RE: Snapshot iso-level for views

    Hi Michal

    I don't think its possible to define snapshot isolation as table hint, it is feature enabled/disabled at database level. Can you please tell us why do u want this table...

  • RE: SQL syntax

    SQL Server supports Float data type values ranging from -1.79E + 308 through 1.79E + 308 & Real allows Floating precision number data from 3.40E + 38 through 3.40E + 38....

  • RE: Multiple Inserts to same table

    Hi John

      Heard of Row versioning in SQL 2005? Snapshot isolation does provide it. The following document would give you an idea of how to handle snapshot isolation in sql 2005....

  • RE: Is a Temporary Table Really Necessary?

    The document prefers to have temp table created first and then push data using Insert into Select query. I would prefer it to have Select into..from quety for creating...

  • RE: How to run a stored procedure from within a stored procedure

    Hi AndyDev

         Though your code is looking nice by splitting tasks in two sps, It could become a bottleneck if you use Insert..Exec to get results of both sps...

  • RE: Problem with like operator (time consuming)

    can you please paste execution plan of both queries?  

  • RE: Uncommitted transactions in Try Catch Block


    You must be getting errors with severity 20-25, as they terminates the database connection CATCH block could not handle them.    


  • RE: select len('''' '''') returning o

    Hi Jules

    SQL BOL: Returns the number of characters, rather than the number of bytes, of the given string expression, excluding trailing blanks.

    In your exmaple space appeared to be last character...

  • RE: DBCC Reindex Question

    if you are using SQL 2005 better you use ALTER INDEX than DBCC DBREINDEX as it would be removed from future version, more over ALTER INDEX does provide online index...

  • RE: Log Sequence no

    SQL server marks each log record with Log Sequence Number.Every modification to database is logged, it can be anything like creating, committing, rollbacking transactions or backup, restore, or allocating pages...

  • RE: % Locks in use is high

    I guess, it must be related to Lock Escalation Threshold. Lock escalation threshold is 5000 locks for single reference of table or index by single T-SQL statement or when the number...

  • RE: Does UPDATE lock the table or the row

    use DBCC TraceFalgs 1211,1224 for disabling lock escalations to higher levels. For more information

    Feature is not there in SQL 2000.



Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 72 total)