Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 72 total)

  • RE: Optimizing a table created at runtime

    Get rid of your cursor and use cross apply to iterate over provider_id,contract_id run_id etc..

  • RE: MDX to generate CSV file as Output

    Thanks Dan, Jeff for inputs. Yes, Report Model is the best option for me. Sorry if my requirement confused you. Basically, business users to whome I am going to provide...

  • RE: Using SSIS to zip files and email the zipped files

    Hi Carolyn,

    you have made it really simple. awesome!!! [:)]

  • RE: documenting dependencys

    Thank you.

    dherman (8/8/2008)

    Thanks for your reply. I'm still digesting and maybe I don't really understand. Does this solve the problem in knowing that for example: report a and...

  • RE: documenting dependencys

    Here are some thoughts which we are planning to implement at our end...

    1. Devide Application in to isolated modules which you will have by default.

    2. Every View/SP created/altered...

  • RE: Problems in ORDER By

    mariyappa (8/7/2008)

    I am not able to get the result set for Order by in sql server 2005 as i get in sql server 2000

    its throwing constant expression cannot be included...

  • RE: Need output of a job in comma-delimited format

    Mark Shvarts (7/16/2008)


    We have a job which runs simple select and saves aoutput to a file in flat format. Now we need to change it to comma-separated , is it...


    I don't have much time right now to think on more optimize solution on your problem, but this code should help you out.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.match (@resume varchar(100),@keyword varchar(10))

    RETURNS bit



    umaramiya (6/18/2008)

    I have created a function which has varbinary and keyword as varchar(100) as parameters.

    I need to find whether the keyword (@Keyword) is in the varbinary (@Resume) variable and return...

  • RE: date query question

    Hi James,

    Here is what you need

    declare @startDate datetime

    set @startdate = '2008-06-13'

    Select count(*) as total,


    From (

    select case when (round(datediff(dd, ReceivedDate, @startDate) / 7, 1)<=...

  • RE: sqlcmd question

    alorenzini (6/11/2008)

    OK, I tried that example and recieved the following error:

    sqlcmd -S hqtst102D\DBA -i ListTables.SQL database="Adventureworks"

    Sqlcmd: 'database=': Invalid filename.

    Then I tried it like this:

    sqlcmd -S hqtst102D\DBA -i ListTables.SQL -v database="Adventureworks"


  • RE: Need current time in hh:mm[AM/PM] format

    select right(convert(varchar,getdate(),0),7) as Format_Time

  • RE: sqlcmd question

    alorenzini (6/10/2008)

    I am not sure if this is the correct forum for this but I have a issue with sqlcmd and I can't seem to get it resolved.

    I am trying...

  • RE: Bulk Insert

    You can have a simple PERL script for breaking file into multiple files. Create a new file everytime the number of lines read exceed 10,000 or so and then get...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 72 total)