Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 46 through 56 (of 56 total)

  • RE: Cursor to generate Stored procedures Script

    You might also try this with a TVF.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.FnGetDefinition(@ObjId INT)




    INSERT INTO @DefTable SELECT object_definition(@ObjID)




    SELECT,D.ObjectDef FROM sys.procedures As P

    CROSS APPLY dbo.FnGetDefinition(p.object_id) As D

  • RE: SQL 2005 Database Mirroring Error

    The service accounts does not need to be the same. You communicate through the endpoints.

    After both the database and the tail of the log was backed up, make sure...

  • RE: query for consecutive alphabets

    Don't get me wrong on being a disciple for Set based solutions!! I am all for what SQL is good at and what not.

    For a relatively small Tally used in...

  • RE: query for consecutive alphabets

    No, we should both be running the same million record table. This is just the tally table creation. The size should not be make a difference. I only...

  • RE: query for consecutive alphabets

    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for the UPPER fix.

    I have created the table using a clustered index with 50 rows



    INTO dbo.Tally

    FROM Master.dbo.SysColumns

    ALTER TABLE dbo.Tally ADD...

  • RE: query for consecutive alphabets

    I Agree with Gale. It will terminate anyway when it finds the first record. 1 is just the first record column placeholder which will imply that there is at...

  • RE: query for consecutive alphabets

    No. The correlated subquery just check for any occurance of a 3 consecutive alphabet string, and the TOP 1 1 returns just the first record(This is Jeffs code), and knows...

  • RE: CLR Integration in SQL

    I see what you have done, and the example is perfectly valid for demonstration purposes, and well written. I just want to emphasize best practices.

    There might be a need...

  • RE: CLR Integration in SQL

    Although the article showed the implementation of CLR, the examples used can in my opinion lead to bad practices. I will use check constraints for validation without CLR or...

  • RE: query for consecutive alphabets

    SQL is pretty bad at doing any character manipulation and comparison. I always use LIKE, CHARINDEX etc. as a last resort. I agree, your solution performs much better ,...

  • RE: TempDB space issues and configuring

    Is Instant Initialization enabled for the service account to allow the autogrow to be instantaneous?

    Also if it was me I will use most of the 5GB still free (I presume...

Viewing 11 posts - 46 through 56 (of 56 total)