Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 56 total)

  • RE: CTE and Spool operators

    A spool operator is used to save intermediate query results in a work table in tempdb. CTE will temporary store these results in these spools.

    Although it will use tempdb,...

  • RE: access denied message while executing xp_cmdshell

    You need to run as administrator when accessing the program files folder. When starting the app (andhave permissions) you can right click and select 'run as asminstrator'.

  • RE: Add user to sql server with the required permission

    You can add roles and add permissions to the roles. Multiple users can then be mapped to the roles.

  • RE: uniqueidentifier scope?

    If identified as a primary key or unique index, a uniqueidentifier will be unique non only on the current database and column, but also across different Systems. Although possible, and...

  • RE: Query - Nested Loop Join

    Nested loop joinis not a bad thing, and will be more effective than a hash join. A hash join will require an in memory creation of a hash table...

  • RE: Enable back Database Mirroring

    You need to restore the princple database and log to the mirror db to get them back in sync(with noecovery). You can then re-establish the mirror session.

  • RE: Manual failover of cluster-MSDTC

    DTC is only required when the linked servers is using distrbuted transactions. Other functionality like replication might also need DTC.

  • RE: Help with tuning stored proc

    It looks like the query is accessing tables on a different server.

    Unlike the local server, distribution statistics from the remote server will not be returned if the user does not...

  • RE: MSDTC in SQL 2008 cluster

    MSDTC is not required in a cluster setup, however functionality that might use it might not be available(like transactional replicational with updatable subscriptions).

    Even if not needed, I will implement...

  • RE: how to enable back database mirroring

    The database and log of the principle database needs to be backed up and restored on the mirrored instance to get them in sync. Only then can the mirrored session...

  • RE: Version Store isolation levels confusion

    When rebuilding an index, the Version store is only used when ONLINE option is ON.

  • RE: Transaction Log Growth

    Every process doing a modification will increase the log size. If you mean the transaction log is not truncating even if you do a backup or if the database is...

  • RE: How to preserve global temporary table data

    Lynn Pettis (3/29/2013)

    SQLRNNR (3/29/2013)

    Lynn Pettis (3/29/2013)

    ScottPletcher (3/29/2013)

    The advantage to tempdb is that there is less overhead writing data there since SQL "knows" it never has to recover tempdb.

    Really? Last...

  • RE: Identifying Querys causing CPU spike

    Hi John,

    Dont disagree with you. Glen's DMV scripts is still the benchmark. Fair point about looking at memory consumers as well, as they might have a secondary CPU spike effect.


  • RE: Identifying Querys causing CPU spike

    The problem with DMV analysis as well as trace events, is that you can't find out which specific procedures/statements caused a spike at a certain time. The trace have to...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 56 total)