Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 236 total)

  • RE: Sql clinet to connect to the sql server 2005

    Adiga (1/13/2011)

    Yes. You would be able to connect to other SQL Server instances using SSMS of Express Edition.

    will be there any limitations? my remote sql server 2005 is an...

  • RE: Downgrade SSIS 2008 package to 2005

    2008 does not support backward compatability, so you can do this. You need to do the re work using visual studio 2005.

  • RE: Where are you?


  • RE: How to receive Deadlock information automatically via email.

    Nice article Geoff, really usefull

  • RE: Table Data Sizes

    This code looks much simple than in the article

  • RE: what size should i set on the comment column

    You can use VARCHAR(MAX) or NARCHAR(MAX) if you are using sql server 2005 and above.

    Generally when you are inserting the comments from the front end you can use some validations...

  • RE: Error in the function that i developed

    select max(coursefees)-sum(fee.amount)

    from feespaid fee,batch


    substring(cast(fee.rollno as varchar(50)) ,1,2)=substring(cast(batchcode as varchar(50)),1,2) and

    rollno = @prollno

    group by rollno,batchcode

    the above Query is returning more thatn one row for the @diff variable where it is permited...

  • RE: Store Procedure inside the Package is running slow

    Lowell (12/7/2010)

    well first lets get rid of the cursor.

    there is nothing a cursor does that a set based operation cannot do, and the set based would be a couple of...

  • RE: Store Procedure inside the Package is running slow

    Lowell (12/7/2010)

    statistics most like is the culprit.

    if your SSIS package is insertint/deleting/updating rows, and then calling the procedure, the statistics are probably very different than when the stored procedure was...

  • RE: why we use try catch in Sql server

    TRY/CATCH helps to write logic separate the action and error handling code in sql server.

    if some action fails in the try block you can roll back it in the catch...

  • RE: self join

    What is the logic in getting the desired values, i havn't find any diffrence in your table and the out put other than some change in the order.

  • RE: Case Statement Error

    LutzM (11/30/2010)

    looks like a missing comma before the CASE statement.

    I'd also recommend to add an alias to your CASE .. END. 😉

    apart from the above your code is also



    rocky_498 (11/30/2010)

    Sorry for late reply, Thanks all of you guys your help. I can't change my target table.

    I really appreciate if some 1 send me " Expression", Thanks.

    the solution...

  • RE: Why doesn’t ISNUMERIC work correctly? (SQL Spackle)

    Jeff Moden (11/30/2010)

    autoexcrement (11/30/2010)

    sharath.chalamgari (11/30/2010)

    Simple and nice article,

    some time back i was working on validating a column in the database and i came across this issue and we had...

  • RE: Identify if a record exists on a table

    you can update the column to 'YES' using the from clause and inner join. some thing like

    update PmtTrn

    set PmtTrn.column_yes = 'YES'

    From PmtTrn

    Inner Join AdjTrn

    on AdjTrn.itrn = PmtTrn.itrn

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 236 total)