Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Script all Indexes

    Here is the script after resolving minor issues with include and fill factor and added checking for index existence.

    Very nice script though thank you.

    DECLARE @idxTableName SYSNAME

    DECLARE @idxTableID INT

    DECLARE @idxname SYSNAME


  • RE: How to purge sysxmitqueue from msdb

    DROP QUEUE YourQueueName;

    Before you drop queue, you have to drop service (DROP SERVICE YourServiceName) attached to that queue so use caution and do your research.

  • RE: How to purge sysxmitqueue from msdb

    No. But after I deleted the service broker queue which was not used, it cleaned up automatically. Not suer what triggered that.

  • RE: How to purge sysxmitqueue from msdb

    I tried everything I can to remove/delete rows from that table but no help. When I try to delete/truncate I get the following error message

    Cannot find the object "sysxmitqueue"...

  • RE: How to know calling stored proc name

    Thanks, all of you for your input, but I found solution yesterday itself my self, to share what i did is in the trigger I used dbcc inputbuffer(@@spid) using dynamic...

  • RE: SQL Maintenance Plans

    I am getting following error in the logshipping job for copying the log file from source server to standby server.

    sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.

    I am...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)