Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 4,531 through 4,545 (of 4,814 total)

  • RE: how to use table data as column names

    This sounds like a situation where if you know the date (from the data) of the first day of the week, then you can generate a list of column names...

  • RE: LiteSpeed makes corrupt DoubleClick backups when over 4 GB?

    Is it possible that an executable simply cannot be allowed to load more than 4 GB of data because that's the maximum possible address space for a 32-bit system?

    I would...

  • RE: I want to change currency from $ to AED

    While the previous post will handle a single amount converted at a fixed rate, I have to wonder what you need to do with historical information? There are...

  • RE: Need help on performance and integrity

    I tried to post this late in the day, yesterday, but was having trouble with the website:

    Dan - I believe AnzioBake has now likely found the solution, but even he...

  • RE: Dangers of using MYSQL...What are they?

    I recently attended a computer user group meeting, and had the owner of a very small ISP tell me that MySQL outperforms SQL Server to a considerable degree, which I...

  • RE: Need help on performance and integrity


    Not to rain on your quest here, but I don't think you've actually provided a complete statement of the problem. I know that it's very clear to YOU...

  • RE: Where should the DBA Team exist?

    You must be getting paid awfully well that you can afford to throw pork chops 1000 times a week. Oh... wait... it's the same pork chop...

  • RE: Join problem

    The solution is easy - use COUNT with DISTINCT:


    Cpt varchar(50) COLLATE Cyrillic_General_CI_AS NULL


    INSERT INTO @Tab1 (Cpt) VALUES('2')

    INSERT INTO @Tab1 (Cpt) VALUES('235')

    INSERT INTO @Tab1 (Cpt) VALUES('234')

    INSERT INTO @Tab1...

  • RE: Where should the DBA Team exist?

    Almost, but not quite... While the BS seems to occur more often than things getting done right the 1st time, I never allow myself to do things...

  • RE: Help needed with a CASE

    Ok, how about the following:


    @MRN varchar(5), -- '5079'

    @DIC_Status varchar(10),

    @ApptTypeID smallint






    SELECT MRN, Status, DOS

    FROM ptDictation


    Status = @DIC_Status




  • RE: Where should the DBA Team exist?

    It takes 10 years for several reasons:

    1.) Training is almost always completely inadequate, starting with the large number of incompetent college professors teaching the computer courses, and ending with corporate...

  • RE: Where should the DBA Team exist?

    Actually, you might NOT disagree, depending on what PaulB meant. One could interpret what he said as meaning that his reference to "should be the DBA", means that...

  • RE: Convert Rows into Columns using ForEachLoop Container

    I thought I would show how you could have used the UNPIVOT & PIVOT functions, given that you were unable to do so. This is just another method,...

  • RE: Where should the DBA Team exist?

    In a previous job, I was a Server "Break/Fix" tech, and that meant performing backup monitoring (and changing backup tapes), monthly re-boots at oh-god hundred Sunday mornings, monitoring disk space...

  • RE: Change SQL Time

    Also, I would never verify anything on a server via Terminal Server. Log on locally directly on the server, or at least use Remote Desktop to do so....

Viewing 15 posts - 4,531 through 4,545 (of 4,814 total)