Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 212 total)
Are you using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition? If so, your connection string probably needs '\SQLEXPRESS' added to the server name.
April 15, 2010 at 8:37 am
Nabha (4/15/2010)
Have a read for a comprehensive one! 🙂
And another:[/url] 😉
The discussion reveals some alternate methods as well.
April 15, 2010 at 8:10 am
If you go here: and download the Release Notes (ReleaseNotesSQL2005SP3.htm), you will find a list of issues that you may have when upgrading. At a quick glance, most...
April 14, 2010 at 12:41 pm
reddy06 (4/14/2010)
new table has 5 columns
i have the hardcoded values of 1st 4 columns
and the 5th column value should be cell(1,1) of...
April 14, 2010 at 11:10 am
reddy06 (4/14/2010)
I need to select values of each cell from temp table and insert them into other table in a single column one by one
So you want to select all...
April 14, 2010 at 10:42 am
I like the linked server option, if you are willing to create linked servers. Otherwise, why not use an ad-hoc query?
INSERT INTO localdb..localtable
FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL','DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=RemoteServer;UID=YourID;PWD=YourPass',remotedb..remotetable)
April 14, 2010 at 10:06 am
Rob Schripsema (4/13/2010)
I think Seth meant to say,
Select MAX(DATALENGTH(yourtextfield)) from yourtablename
The LEN function won't work on TEXT type fields. You need to use DATALENGTH.
Thanks. 🙂
April 13, 2010 at 11:47 am
Have you found the size of the largest value in your TEXT field? Try:
select len(max(yourtextfieldname))
from yourtablename
Also, changing the datatype of the TEXT field to VARCHAR(MAX) will allow a character...
April 13, 2010 at 9:10 am
As far as I know, there is no way to record HOW a record was updated (sproc, ad-hoc query, etc.). An after update trigger is fired as a result...
April 12, 2010 at 4:30 pm
What I want to do is omit or hide the types from Q1's results and only show Q2's types in the final results
I'm not sure what you want you...
April 12, 2010 at 4:07 pm
GabyYYZ (3/9/2010)
Seth Delconte (3/8/2010)
nick.mcdermaid (3/7/2010)
Someone appears to have drawn some inspiration from your article.
Yes it certainly looks that way - even the reference links are the same. ...
March 9, 2010 at 3:00 pm
nick.mcdermaid (3/7/2010)
Someone appears to have drawn some inspiration from your article.
Yes it certainly looks that way - even the reference links are the same. A little credit...
March 8, 2010 at 6:29 am
will show the current connection's status for all trace flags (global or session).
You may need to enable traceflags if you have no trace flags for the...
March 3, 2010 at 8:20 am
How does this work for you:
select replace(str(month(getdate()))+'/'+str(day(getdate())),' ','')
February 22, 2010 at 12:28 pm
Could the problem just be network speed?
February 22, 2010 at 9:12 am
Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 212 total)