Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 444 total)

  • RE: CSV file for null

    MaggieW (12/10/2014)

    Dear all:

    I created an application that will upload a csv file and insert it to a SQL table.

    Can you share apllication code? Is it T-Sql, c#, ... ?

  • RE: get full path from sys.xp_dirtree

    Jeff, thank you for pointing perfomance issue out. I would also note that it would be so simple for MS to add parent reference to the sp_dirtree output thus eliminating...

  • RE: Hashbyte Generating All Nulls

    Nulls may be of different types. So nulls in some columns may be a problem. HASHBYTES raises an error on 'untyped' null. Compare

    select HASHBYTES('MD5', ''+null);

    select HASHBYTES('MD5', cast(null as char(1)));


  • RE: get full path from sys.xp_dirtree

    Try to specify COLLATE for every char column in ORDER BY.


    ORDER BY container COLLATE Persian_100_CI_AS, isfile, subdirectory COLLATE Persian_100_CI_AS;

    Also note the difference between case sensitive and case insensitive collations...

  • RE: Joining Three Tables with multiple record



    Group by OrderID,PackageID, CustomerName, Colors

    BTW, i see no Child2ID in your Child2.

    And I'd better normalize Child1 and Child2 to simplify queries. It can also really help with...

  • RE: CTE query - Long Load Time

    You may also try FISRT_VALUE(), LAST_VALUE() instead of firstApply, secondApply.

  • RE: get full path from sys.xp_dirtree

    Specify proper collation for the column in ORDER BY


    Not sure which one is for Persian.

  • RE: get full path from sys.xp_dirtree

    This batch will show all objects (directories, files) and their full paths


    declare @myPath nvarchar(4000) = 'E:\ElectronicArchieve';

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DirectoryTree') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #DirectoryTree;

    CREATE TABLE #DirectoryTree (

    id int IDENTITY(1,1)

    ,subdirectory nvarchar(512)

    ,depth int


  • RE: get full path from sys.xp_dirtree

    I'm a bit confused.

    If you already have loaded dir structure into archive as it was discussed here then you can just run the last query in the...

  • RE: Tricky SQL Query

    OK, then LAG() is the best choice as it was proposed by colleages.

    with [AAA_Mytable] as(

    select *

    from (


    (12, N'2011', 18314, N'HBPP112', NULL)

    ,(13, N'2012', 18314, N'BACS315',...

  • RE: Query Help

    Shadab Shah (12/5/2014)

    Koen Verbeeck (12/5/2014)

    What is your business logic? Why would you select (X,Y,60) and not (Y,X,60)?

    Well, there is no business logic. It can be anything, i was trying out...

  • RE: Tricky SQL Query

    kevin_nikolai (12/5/2014)

    Hi Serg-52

    Based on [dbo].[AAA_Mytable], you get the following:

    TermCalendarIDRegYearStudentUID Qual Rollover

    2 2011 ...

  • RE: sp_executesql help

    Last portion of @dsql, why not just

    DECLARE @dsql varchar(1000) = N'

    WITH searchtext(searchtext) AS (SELECT REPLACE(@searchtext,''*'',''%''))

    SELECT ParamValue = @ParamValue, ParamCaption = @ParamCaption

    FROM '+ /* Your clean string...

  • RE: Query Help

    There are many ways to do that. For example

    select c1 = case when City2 > City1 then City1 else City2 end

    , c2 = case when City2 > City1 then City2...

  • RE: Tricky SQL Query

    Hi Kevin.

    Your second table definition greatly differs from the first one. While

    the first one allows something like (don't know if it makes any sense)







    , the second one has...

Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 444 total)