Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: You just might be a DBA if.....

    At the end of prayer , you say COMMIT instead of Amen!


  • RE: Locking in Tranactions

    You're right somehow. I can use INT instead of TINYINT , use identity and leave gaps. I'll try the sp_executesql special feature and scoping problem in EXEC() and inform you,...

  • RE: Locking in Tranactions

    Dear Andy,

    If you wanna spend more time on my problem after your coffee :), and I appreciate it so much, please concentrate on the part:

    SELECT Min( SeqNO ) newLastID


  • RE: Locking in Tranactions


    The events you mentioned probably rarely take palce. However, the point is that it's a central procedure and so critical. Because, it's a general proc to get last valid ID...

  • RE: Locking in Tranactions

    Here's the code :


    ( @TableName sysname ,

    @IDField sysname ,

    @WhereClause sysname ,

    @LastID sysname OUTPUT )


    SET @WhereClause = IsNull(@WhereClause, '')

    -- Drops ##SeqTemp temp table...

  • RE: Locking in Tranactions

    Than you very much , but it didnt' work yet!

    It seems SQL Server does what it likes instead of what developer tells it 🙂


  • RE: SQLSERVERAGENT Service Problem [:(]


    1. No , I haven't chaged the security settings.

    2. Yes , they run under the same account.


    Which Service Pack do I need for SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition?

    Anyway, thank...

  • RE: SQLSERVERAGENT Service Problem [:(]


    At first thank you to answer me. Then , about your question:

    1. Yes , I can start it manually , without any chage in the account name and password used...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)