Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 51 total)

  • Reply To: Trying to see all records

    Try 'left outer join' instead of 'inner join'

  • RE: Issue with midnight in stored procedure

    lucaskhall - Friday, December 14, 2018 12:38 PM

    This is the application code that is generated when the stored procedure is called and...

  • RE: Concurrency in System Versioned Temporal Tables

    Interesting to come across this today, little behind on these emails.  Easy to answer because we just ran into this in our production application a couple of weeks ago and...

  • RE: Transaction Replication Collation error

    An update: I went back and created a subscriber to another SQL Server 2012 instance (so both Publication and Subscription were on the same version of SQL Server) and everything...

  • RE: Are the posted questions getting worse?

    Brandie Tarvin (10/10/2016)

    And then there's this golden nugget:

    When there are extra columns within the database, the system will perform poorly.

    Ummm. Hrrrr. So how do I remove those pesky extra...

  • RE: Link Server with AS400 Data Issue

    Have the AS/400 developers look at the field definitions with DSPFFD command. It sounds like they may be defined with a CCSID of 65535 which means it is hex...

  • RE: SSRS - Creating subscription is slow

    Does the report have parameters that get their available values from datasets? If so, those datasets have to be populated when it loads. That could explain why it...

  • RE: NaN Value in SSRS Report

    Maybe it really isn't 0 in that textbox. You might have to use IsNothing instead of comparing to zero. Just adjust the IIf based on what is really...

  • RE: NaN Value in SSRS Report

    Then just wrap it with IIf as so

    =IIf(reportitems!Textbox103.Value = 0, 0, CDBL(reportitems!Textbox33.Value) / CDBL(reportitems!Textbox103.Value)

    +CDBL(reportitems!Textbox34.Value) / CDBL(reportitems!Textbox103.Value)

    +CDBL(reportitems!Textbox35.Value) / CDBL(reportitems!Textbox103.Value)

    +CDBL(reportitems!Textbox36.Value) / CDBL(reportitems!Textbox103.Value))

    Untested syntax but I think correct, It puts 0 is the...

  • RE: NaN Value in SSRS Report

    Are you getting that because reportitems!Textbox103.Value is zero? You should us IIf to make sure that value is not zero before doing the calculation do you don't divide by...

  • RE: maximum request length exceeded 2012

    Siten0308 (12/23/2015)

    <httpRuntime executionTimeout="9000" maxRequestLength="900000" />

    Are you changing this in the Report Manager or Report Server Web.config file, I think you want the Report Manager one which would be at...

  • RE: Conditional visibility of parameters

    That is still true. The closest I have been able to do, when the parameters are drop-downs is to use a query to populate the values. When they...

  • RE: Previous Year Default Parameters

    Set your defaults as below:


    =DateAdd(DateInterval.Year, -1 , DateSerial(DatePart("yyyy",Today), 1, 1))


    =DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -1 , DateSerial(DatePart("yyyy",Today), 1, 1))

    The DateSerial() determines the first day of the current year. Then either subtract one year...

  • RE: SSRS 2014 : Add several cells inside of a large cell

    Can you do with an expression in the Naf_Eco cell where you format the output, something like

    =Naf_Eco + " " + Libel_Naf_Eco

    I guess it would depend how...

  • RE: Input integer parameter values for quarter and year: How to get last day of month and last month of quarter for footer

    Here is one way to calculate the last day of the quarter (untested):

    =DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -1, DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, 1, DateSerial(Parameters!Yr.Value, Parameters!Qtr.Value * 3, 1)))

    It constructs the first day of the quarter ending...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 51 total)